As you know, Alfred Wegener came up with the theory of continental drift based on evidence he had gathered from different scientific fields. His idea was that all of the continents were once one large landmass and have since moved apart. His evidence came from land features, fossils and climate changes. Since Wegener's time scientists have found a lot more evidence that the continents have moved. Research continental drift and find at least 2 specific examples of evidence that the continents have moved.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
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The Earth's rocky outer crust is like hard rock, but it looks so hard to form. but when the earth formed all the continental drift formed into parts and parts of pieces on the land and made islands for people to live on and the other species that were on it died from the land rotating.
fossils, coal deposits in now cold areas,south america looks like it could esilly fit in africa
One reason why they think it has moved is because they have found correlation of fossil types across oceans. The second reason is that they have found new things things at the bottom of the ocean floor that is appearing in the earth.
Evidence of continental drift:
1. The bulge of Africa fits the shape of the coast of North America while Brazil fits along the coast of Africa beneath the bulge.
2. Broad belts of rocks in Africa and South America are the same type.
my other comment was previewed then deleted, so sorry if there are 2 comments from me
Two pieces of evidence are (1) there are fossils and plants in places like India. (2) There are ridges in the floors of the main oceans.
Eduard Suess said there was a land mass called Gondwanaland that formed when Pangia broke up. He found fossils of the same plant in Africa, Austrailia, Antarctica, India and South America.
Also fossils of Mesosaurus were found in both Africa and South America.
Hi Mrs. R,
Proof that our continents have moved is NASA took measurements to show that the Atlantic ocean is slowly growing and Austria moving towards Hawaii. Also, the same fossil have been found on the contents of South America and Africa.
Vanessa 7-2
Hi Mrs.R,
1. there are fossils that are found in South America and Africa
2. the same glacier was in Antartica and Australia.
1. Scientists have found that the same types of rock are on the different continents. Which could mean they were once together.
2. The continents also some what fit together.
3. They also have the same fossils of animals and plants on the different continents
This helps prove the continental drift
1.Africa and South America can fit together and match up. This is even though they are separated by ocean.
2.Rocks that are over 2000 million years old contain the same lava showing that there was active volcano life while they were joined. They are the same types of rocks.
3. Fossils of the same types of animals and dinosaurs were found of two continents. An animal fossil found lived in fresh water and could not travel across the ocean.
Dear Mrs. Rodreguese,
1. same fossel - different cotinents
2. same moutian forms - in africa canada and U.S.A
Wegener sited the unusual coal deposits in the South Polar regions and the jigsaw fit of the opposing Atlantic continental shelves.
Animal fossils have been found from South Africa and South America linking together like a rope. There are also rock minerals that link together too. Another thing that proves that the continents were connected is that there is oil in Antarctica. Its too cold to produce oil in Antarctica right now because of the frigid temperatures. Therefore, the continent was not at the original standing point so the continent was located somewhere much warmer where animals lived.
The fossils of Mesosaurus is one of the supports of the Continentalo droftbecause the fossil was found on both South America and South Africa. The discovery of plate tectonics also supported the continetal drift because thats the force that moved the land mass apart.
Jasmine Jette
1.Plates moved from convection currents.
2.over millions of years the plates drifted apart by millimeters.
hey mrs. r
i foud this information...
-abraham ortelius thought the idea up in 1596
-Alfred Wegener continued the idea and explained it leaving out push an pull forces
-in 1960 plate techtonics came into play when they discovered pangea existed
well thats what i got
alyssa b
south america and africa Line up and once made a landmass
Two specific examples that have occurred is first the coal found under the ice in Antarctica. Coal is only materialized in swampy areas in a warm climate and Antarctica is completely opposite in cold tundra like conditions where swampy areas are not visible. This is evidence that Antarctica was closer to the equator in order for coal to occur. Another piece of evidence is that identical animals that were found in two different places across oceans. For example, the freshwater crocodile found in South America and Africa and the crocodile couldn’t have crossed the oceans because the species would have died on its way there. This is a piece of evidence since the only way crocodiles could have crossed this vast opening was by crossing land.
South America and western Africa have many geological similarities. Also, living animals in areas that are far away from each other tend to be similar. For example, Madagascar and India have many of the same types of mammals.
They have found coal beds in antarctica and they have found that the mountain rainges on South America and Africa line up.
Hello, Mrs. Rodriguez. One major piece of evidence which supports the theory of continental drift is the fact that the remnants of glacial deposits have been found in areas of the world such as South America and Australia, which today have arid climates in which such formations would never occur. This indicates that the continents could have dramatically changed position since the formation of these glaciers. Secondly, fossils of the prehistoric reptile Lystrosaurus have been found in similarly aged rocks in South America, Africa, and Antarctica. This provides support for the theory that these three continents were once connected at some point in Earth's history.
From, Liam
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez, it's Chase. Here are the two interesting things I learned about continental drift:
1. When Pangaea first started slitting up, it split up into two smaller supercontinents called Larisia and Gondwanaland.
2. Wegener wrote a book on continental drift in 1915.
The ocean floor renews and pushes the continents little by little. This is some evidence that they moved. All of the continents also fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Danny S
There are ridges in the floors of the main oceans. and all continets fit together like a jig_saw ouzzle.
continental drift evidence-
The coasts of the continents surrounding the Atlantic ocean could, if the continents were moved closer, fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Also,Distinct patterns of stripes can be seen in the magnetism of rocks on either side of the ridges.
- Austin B.
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez!
T answer your question, the coast of South America and Africa line up, and coal has been found in Antartica when coal is formed in tropical conditions
Erik Rogers
they found things from one continent on other continents like fossils and also glacier contents
Continental Drift.
1. Some of the mountain ranges match up today. Also the continents match together to form Pangea.
2. Also, some of the same fossils are found on different continents.
Hi Mrs. R.,
Here are 2 details to support Wegner's theories.
1. There are ridges in the floors of the main oceans.
2. Fossils in India, South Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America are similar to each other.
If the arctic ocean disappeared, the continents would fit together for the most part. Fossils in different countries are similar. Living animals are similar in different places.
Here are 2 specific examples of evidence that the continents have moved. One is that link of fossil types across ocean basins and the 2nd one is how the continets fit.
Frome jaime s
The Appalachians match with ones on another continent and fossils of he same animal that couldnt swim or fly was found in seperate continents.
An example that the continents moved is that South America connects to the bottom of Africa. There is also the same fossils in both of the continents. For example the Glossopteris is found in rocks in Africa, South America, Australia, India, and Antacrtica.
There have been similar fossils in different areas that were together in Pangaea. Also, coal mines were found in Antarctica.
First of all, there is no way fossils in two totaly different places. Plants are also in different areas. Coal feilds also line up.
Hi Mrs R,
two examples i have for you are that there has been Breakup of Pangaea, and there was bones of the same dinosaur on different continents.
hi mrs. r
i found out that alfred wegners theroy of continental drift that the evidence is fit of the continets fossil evidence and rock similarites.
danielle e
One piece of evidence supporting that the continents have moved is that the mountain ranges line up. Also, they have found fossils of plants that only grow in warm swamps in Antarctica.
Dear Mrs. R,
A fact that continents once moved is that there is a plant fossil that was found on sevral different continents. Another is that the borders seem to line up perfectly.
1. You can see in some places where the contenints can just fit right togeather.
2. Alfred Wegener found information that half of a animal was found on one continent and the other half was on the othercontinent.
-The coasts of the continetss soronding the atlantic ocean could fit together.
-Similer animals on diffrent contents shows that they where once connected.
Two other details are Rocks and Glaciers.
-Continents fit together like puzzle peices-Africa and South America, Asia and Africa...
-Matching fossils of reptiles were found in South America and Africa, Identical fern fossils were found in all the southern continents.
hi mrs r its are a few facts on continental drift...
ok so, the coasts of the continents surrounding the ocean could, if the the continents were moved closer, fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Also, living in widely seperated lands are similar. Last, there are ridges in the floors of the main oceans.
Well thats all i have for you tonight and its late so see you tomorrow! :) byee
the first thing i have is the magnetic rocks they had changed with the poles. second they found a plastic layer that matched up to other continents.
Heyyyy, One example is all of the they found glaciures in places they arnt spose to be in and another examole is all of the mountains fit together.
Nic S.
One piece of evidence is that all the continents look like they fit together. Like South America looks like it can fit on to the side of Africa. Another piece of evidence is there were fossils were found in climates they were not supposed to be in. Like, there were fossils found in Antarctica that were supposed to be in warm climates like Africa.
Continents have drift apart because mountain ranges line up in different places and because of seeds.
HI mrs r! I figured out that the coasts line up, and that the fossils found in certin contenents have matched.
they fit together like puzzle pieces. the move apart
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