This week we will wrap up body systems by dissecting frogs and looking at their various body systems. We will be comparing their organs with our own. Do some research on frogs and share in your comment some interesting facts that you've learned.
danielle e.
hey its danielle, i love frogs they are so cute i found out that frogs are amfibeans which i already new also i found out that frogs live for 4 to 15 years. The longest lifespan of a frog was 40 years and it was a European Commen toad. Well i talk to you later.
Amphibian skin lets water and air go through itself easily.Manatees have kidneys. Their kidneys filter waste, and they also filter salt out of water.Scoliosos is a skeletal disorder that occurs when the spine isn't alined right, and needs to be straightened out. Doctors fix this by making the patient wear a brace a night, or the whole day if the allignment is way off.
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez... I learned some interesting facts about frogs. One fact that doesn't have to do with dissecting them is that they live on all continents except Antarctica. 35% of these frogs live in South America, the most popular place for frogs to live. I also learned that they are nocturnal, and many people never encounter them. That's all for now!Bye.
i have learned that frogs are very smart and fast my mom hates frogs because they live in our pond so my mom catches them and brings them in the woods.
When frogs are born they are tad poles. After a while they get bigger and bigger. Eventually they grow legs. A cuople weeks later they grow arms. Soon they turn into a frog and develop lungs so theey can swim and walk on land.
- Frogs don’t drink water they absorb it through their skin. - They have a ridge of small teeth around the upper edge of the jaw called Maxillary Teeth. - Frogs can launch themselves over 20 times their own length. - Frogs get oxygen in their skin when they absorb water.
did you know snakes, birds, lizards, and HEDGHOGS eat frogs? frogs seem to be very tasty.2008 was the year of the frog.some frogs are poisonous also. frogs can be albino and toads are not frogs at all.there are frogs in the desert and in cold weathered places. well thats all i got bye!
Frogs are amphibians, which are animals that spend part of their lives under water and the rest of the time they stay on land. They have powerful and long jumping legs and a really short backbone. Frogs eat small fish, worms, and insects.
From my research, an interesting fact I learned about frogs, is, first of all, about their vocalization. The call of a frog is well-known among people, probably because it is so loud; some frog's croaks can be heard up to a mile away!Most frogs have one or more vocal sacs which produce their distinctive call, membranous skin which helps to amplify the sound. Each frog's call is unique to its species, and, while calls are mainly used to attract mates, some tropical species may produce "rain calls" in response to humidity that may signal an approaching rainstorm.
Dear Mrs. R, i found out some cool facts about frogs. here's one: their tounges can turn upside down snap at a fly and roll it out like an upsidde down party horn. also you can also find out what type of frog you are at:
When frogs mate, the male climbs on top of the females back and wraps his arms around eighter her waist or around her neck. This process is called amplexus, can usually last several days, and is usually underwater. Some frog species attempt at mating with anything big enough to not be able to eat. Frogs actually do have teeth. They look like small cones on the top edge of the jaw. Frogs have special ears that are connected to their lungs. When they hear noises, their ear drums and their lungs vibrate. Well, those are some interesting facts baout frogs. Bye, bye!
Frogs are cool!!!!!! Most frogs acually have teeth. Frogs can hear using big round ears on the sides of their heads, called tympanums. Frogs have sticky pads on their feet to help them climb trees. Frogs drink and breeth through their skin. An average frogs lifespan is about 4-15 years. Frogs are the best leapers in the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frogs are fun!!!!
well, frogs have a tongue that is located on their bottom jaw and they use their tongue to get their food like flies with it. They also have a tympanic membrane which cover the ears and the eyes for protection.
Frogs are able to lay 4000 eggs at a time, they use there tongue to get there food. they have round balls on there feet to help them swim, and keep balanced.
some facts on frogs are that they dont drink water they absorb it through there skin. In Japan frogs are known as a symble of good luck. Some frogs can jump to 20 times there own body.
Hi Mrs R., the two interesting facts i found are the following......... 1. Did you know that frogs have been on this earth for over 200 million years? 2. Okay this might be gross but Strawberry poison dart frogs lay their eggs on the land and the male frogs keep the eggs moist by peeing on them. From, Kailey M Wilson
Albino frogs are actually a common occurance in frogs. The skin turns pale, whitish and the eyes are red, and sensitive to light! They look ghostly, but it's nothing to worry about.
I have learned that the frogs body is very similar to ours when we dissected it. They have kidneys, gall blader, splein, intestines, and alot more. The only thing thats not simalar to our body is there mouth.
I learned that frogs do not have all the same bones that we do. Like frogs dont have rib cages. they have ribs but they dont conecut to make a rib cage.
The frogs eyeballs go in to help push their food down their throat. Their tongue attaches to the front of their mouth so they caan whip out their tongue to get flies. They don't have ribcages.
The eyes and nose of a frog are on top of its head so it can breathe and see when most of its body is under the water.Frogs can lay as many as 4,000 eggs in frog spawn. I also found that the bull frog is the largest frog and can be over 1 foot long and can weigh over 1 pound. These are my cool facts.
Some interesting facts that i have learned about frogs are that frogs don't drink water but they absorb it through their skin. I also learned that frogs can change its color according to its surroundings. Frogs can jump up to 20 times its own height.
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez! Today I found general facts about frogs. In the world, there are 400 species of frogs, and they live on every continent except Antartica. The coast foam nesting frogs actually plant their eggs in trees, and after 7 - 9 days, rain takes off the foamy exterior and drops the tadpoles into the water. From, Erik Rogers
Frogs shed their skin regurlarly and then pull it off their haed like a sweater and eat it. They also don't usually swallow their water they absorb ot throught their skin.
When a frog swallows a meal, his bulgy eyeballs will close and go down into his head. This is because the eyeballs apply pressure and push a frog's meal down his throat.
Hi Mrs. R, Frogs are preety cool animals. Frogs eat their old skin. They don't drink water they absord it through their skin. They grey tree frog can survive without it's heart beating! Frogs see in balck and white.
Most frogs have long hind legs, a short body, webbed didgets, eyes that stick out, and no tail. When frogs lay their eggs, it's usually in a wet area. (puddles, ponds...etc)Tropical rainforests are the place where most frogs are found but not the only place. Frogs can be found in lots of different areas depending on the species.
Frogs have no ribs. They also don't drink water they absorb it through their skin. Frogs bones make a ring when they are hibernating so people can tell how old frogs are.
What I learned about frogs is that frogs are amphibians. Some frogs have vocal pouches and when frogs breadth the pouch gets larger and the frogs starts to sing. To help frogs climb they have sticky pads on the tips of their finger and toes. Frogs can be found on every continent except Antarctica some members of the family include the bullfrog, the green frog, and the leopard frog. Frogs can usually live between the ages of 4-15 but there was one case where the frog lived to be about 40 years. These are some fun facts about frogs.
Dear Mrs. Rodrequez, i learned that a group of frogs is called an army. frogs dont frink water their skin absorbs it. frogs bones form rings when they are hybronating like a tree. they live almost everywhere in the world but antarctica,
An interesting fact I learned about frogs was that some frogs can live in the desert. One frog that can live in the desert is a catholic frog. It is a yellow greenish color.
Frogs absorb water they need to get oxygen through their skin. They shed their skin to keep it healthy. Frogs live on average from 4 to 15 years. When frogs hear something their eardrum and lungs vibrate.
I learned that frogs eggs can be laid in puddles or any body of water. I also learned that the only difference between frogs and toads is that toads live on land. Frogs are also weird among other amphibians, because they dont have tails, and their legs are better for jumping then walking.
hi mrs. r so here are some facts about frogs... they eat insects such as worms, bugs, and spiders. frogs catch there food buy flipping out their tongue. lastly, frogs can be found almost anywhere besides Antarctica. well see you soon bye
An interesting face about frogs is they dont drink water, they absorb it through their skin. Frog bones form a ring when the frog is hibernating and scientists can use these rings to figure out the age of a frog. =] adele
Hi Mrs. R., Here are 5 random frog facts. 1.Frogs can jump over 20 times their length. 2.Frogs don't drink water - they absorb it throught their skin. 3.A mother frog can lay up to 1,000 eggs at one time. 4.Only male frogs croak. 5.Certain frogs can be frozen solid, then thawed, and survive.
I learned that a frog has its eyes poping out of it and we have them sunk in eyesockets. they also have a bakwards tongue to help them trap prey like flies.
Hey Mrs. R, I noticed that tree frogs have sticky pads on their feet and this helps them to sick to trees. During the disection I thought that the frog systems are kind of different and have different shaped organs and they are in different spots than a humans. Sincerley, Riley M.
Dear Mrs. R, I'm comparing the human and the frog hearts. Both the hearts have atria that pump blood into the ventricle for the frog, and the ventricles for the human. The frog's heart has special ridged tissues in its ventricle to seperate oxygen poor and and oxygen rich blood. From your buddy Nick P.
I learned that frogs have all the same organs that humans do. But they are alot smaller. One interesting fact i learned is frogs store their fat in these orange finger like things instead of storing it on their heart of other muscles.
-cold blooded -ampibhinans -Tympanum means drum and that is what the ear is called -a frog can jump about 20x it's size it would be like if a human could jump 100 feet! -the longest recorded length that a frog jumped is 33 feet 5.5 inches - a frog EATS i's sheded skin that it pulled itself out of
they use their different colored skill to blend in with the water colors. Also their tongues are connected in the front of their mouth so they can stretch it out and get the food they need. i also know that they have a 3rd membrane so they can look on top of the water to see their food and the water wont hurt their eyes.
The female frog makes as many as 2,ooo eggs inside its body. It is fat and heavy while carrying the eggs which slows them, which makes it hard for them to escape their enemies.
hey its danielle,
i love frogs they are so cute i found out that frogs are amfibeans which i already new also i found out that frogs live for 4 to 15 years. The longest lifespan of a frog was 40 years and it was a European Commen toad. Well i talk to you later.
frogs are different in many ways frogs have bones just like we do and just like the extorty system too but the have smaller organs
Amphibian skin lets water and air go through itself easily.Manatees have kidneys. Their kidneys filter waste, and they also filter salt out of water.Scoliosos is a skeletal disorder that occurs when the spine isn't alined right, and needs to be straightened out. Doctors fix this by making the patient wear a brace a night, or the whole day if the allignment is way off.
on interesting fact about frogs is that a group of frogs is called an ‘army’? and a group of toads is called a ‘knot’.
Nicholas Taylor
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez... I learned some interesting facts about frogs. One fact that doesn't have to do with dissecting them is that they live on all continents except Antarctica. 35% of these frogs live in South America, the most popular place for frogs to live. I also learned that they are nocturnal, and many people never encounter them. That's all for now!Bye.
I foubnd out that frogs unlike humans have a stronger bake leg. If we were the size of a frog we could not jump nerely as high.
Frogs do not drink water they absorb water.Frog bones form a ring when the frog is hibernating
Dear Msr. Rodregues,
-only 9 vertibra in the back
-no ribs
-no tail
Frogs don’t drink water they absorb it through their skin. Scientists can use these rings to figure out the age of a frog.
i have learned that frogs are very smart and fast my mom hates frogs because they live in our pond so my mom catches them and brings them in the woods.
When frogs are born they are tad poles. After a while they get bigger and bigger. Eventually they grow legs. A cuople weeks later they grow arms. Soon they turn into a frog and develop lungs so theey can swim and walk on land.
- Frogs don’t drink water they absorb it through their skin.
They have a ridge of small teeth around the upper edge of the jaw called Maxillary Teeth.
- Frogs can launch themselves over 20 times their own length.
- Frogs get oxygen in their skin when they absorb water.
did you know snakes, birds, lizards, and HEDGHOGS eat frogs? frogs seem to be very tasty.2008 was the year of the frog.some frogs are poisonous also. frogs can be albino and toads are not frogs at all.there are frogs in the desert and in cold weathered places. well thats all i got bye!
-alyssa b
Frogs are amphibians, which are animals that spend part of their lives under water and the rest of the time they stay on land. They have powerful and long jumping legs and a really short backbone. Frogs eat small fish, worms, and insects.
From my research, an interesting fact I learned about frogs, is, first of all, about their vocalization. The call of a frog is well-known among people, probably because it is so loud; some frog's croaks can be heard up to a mile away!Most frogs have one or more vocal sacs which produce their distinctive call, membranous skin which helps to amplify the sound. Each frog's call is unique to its species, and, while calls are mainly used to attract mates, some tropical species may produce "rain calls" in response to humidity that may signal an approaching rainstorm.
From, Liam
Dear Mrs. R,
i found out some cool facts about frogs. here's one: their tounges can turn upside down snap at a fly and roll it out like an upsidde down party horn. also you can also find out what type of frog you are at:
An interesting fact that I got was that a frog's tongue is about twelve inches long on an average adult frog. I think that is really gross!!!!!!!
frogs drink throught their skin. they also can breathe throught it they obsorbe the oxygen in the water.
When frogs mate, the male climbs on top of the females back and wraps his arms around eighter her waist or around her neck. This process is called amplexus, can usually last several days, and is usually underwater.
Some frog species attempt at mating with anything big enough to not be able to eat.
Frogs actually do have teeth. They look like small cones on the top edge of the jaw.
Frogs have special ears that are connected to their lungs. When they hear noises, their ear drums and their lungs vibrate.
Well, those are some interesting facts baout frogs.
Bye, bye!
Frogs are cool!!!!!!
Most frogs acually have teeth.
Frogs can hear using big round ears on the sides of their heads, called tympanums.
Frogs have sticky pads on their feet to help them climb trees.
Frogs drink and breeth through their skin.
An average frogs lifespan is about 4-15 years.
Frogs are the best leapers in the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frogs are fun!!!!
well, frogs have a tongue that is located on their bottom jaw and they use their tongue to get their food like flies with it. They also have a tympanic membrane which cover the ears and the eyes for protection.
i found out that one specific breed of frogs has the babies develop in the mothers "tummy" , then come out of its mouth.
Frogs are able to lay 4000 eggs at a time, they use there tongue to get there food. they have round balls on there feet to help them swim, and keep balanced.
Frogs have tongues in the front of their mouth,not at the back like humans. When a frog catches an insect to eat, it whips the food down its throat.
some facts on frogs are that they dont drink water they absorb it through there skin. In Japan frogs are known as a symble of good luck. Some frogs can jump to 20 times there own body.
jaime s.
Hi Mrs R.,
the two interesting facts i found are the following.........
1. Did you know that frogs have been on this earth for over 200 million years?
2. Okay this might be gross but Strawberry poison dart frogs lay their eggs on the land and the male frogs keep the eggs moist by peeing on them.
Kailey M Wilson
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez, it's Chase, I learned that not all frogs have webbed and/or sticky feet.
Albino frogs are actually a common occurance in frogs. The skin turns pale, whitish and the eyes are red, and sensitive to light! They look ghostly, but it's nothing to worry about.
Dear mrs R
Frogs dont have a rib cage. They do not have a tail.
I have learned that the frogs body is very similar to ours when we dissected it. They have kidneys, gall blader, splein, intestines, and alot more. The only thing thats not simalar to our body is there mouth.
I learned that frogs do not have all the same bones that we do. Like frogs dont have rib cages. they have ribs but they dont conecut to make a rib cage.
Jason b
The frogs eyeballs go in to help push their food down their throat. Their tongue attaches to the front of their mouth so they caan whip out their tongue to get flies. They don't have ribcages.
Frogs have a small brain. A frog has the same organs from a human body. A frogs ear drumss are cicular disk on the side of it's head behind the eyes.
Cool facts about frogs-
The eyes and nose of a frog are on top of its head so it can breathe and see when most of its body is under the water.Frogs can lay as many as 4,000 eggs in frog spawn.
I also found that the bull frog is the largest frog and can be over 1 foot long and can weigh over 1 pound. These are my cool facts.
From Austin B. $$$
frogs do not have rib cages unlike us.
Some interesting facts that i have learned about frogs are that frogs don't drink water but they absorb it through their skin. I also learned that frogs can change its color according to its surroundings. Frogs can jump up to 20 times its own height.
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez!
Today I found general facts about frogs. In the world, there are 400 species of frogs, and they live on every continent except Antartica. The coast foam nesting frogs actually plant their eggs in trees, and after 7 - 9 days, rain takes off the foamy exterior and drops the tadpoles into the water.
Erik Rogers
Frogs shed their skin regurlarly and then pull it off their haed like a sweater and eat it. They also don't usually swallow their water they absorb ot throught their skin.
Drink and breathe through their skin
Frogs shed their skin to keep it healthy
When a frog swallows a meal, his bulgy eyeballs will close and go down into his head. This is because the eyeballs apply pressure and push a frog's meal down his throat.
Patrick Riordan
Hi Mrs. R,
Frogs are preety cool animals. Frogs eat their old skin. They don't drink water they absord it through their skin. They grey tree frog can survive without it's heart beating! Frogs see in balck and white.
Vanessa 7-2
Hi Mrs R,
Most frogs have long hind legs, a short body, webbed didgets, eyes that stick out, and no tail. When frogs lay their eggs, it's usually in a wet area. (puddles, ponds...etc)Tropical rainforests are the place where most frogs are found but not the only place. Frogs can be found in lots of different areas depending on the species.
Codi b
Frogs have no ribs. They also don't drink water they absorb it through their skin. Frogs bones make a ring when they are hibernating so people can tell how old frogs are.
What I learned about frogs is that frogs are amphibians. Some frogs have vocal pouches and when frogs breadth the pouch gets larger and the frogs starts to sing. To help frogs climb they have sticky pads on the tips of their finger and toes. Frogs can be found on every continent except Antarctica some members of the family include the bullfrog, the green frog, and the leopard frog. Frogs can usually live between the ages of 4-15 but there was one case where the frog lived to be about 40 years. These are some fun facts about frogs.
Dear Mrs. Rodrequez,
i learned that a group of frogs is called an army. frogs dont frink water their skin absorbs it. frogs bones form rings when they are hybronating like a tree. they live almost everywhere in the world but antarctica,
Dear Mrs.Rodriquez
Frogs are cool because they can blend in and how there tounges move around to catch bugs around.
An interesting fact I learned about frogs was that some frogs can live in the desert. One frog that can live in the desert is a catholic frog. It is a yellow greenish color.
Frogs absorb water they need to get oxygen through their skin. They shed their skin to keep it healthy. Frogs live on average from 4 to 15 years. When frogs hear something their eardrum and lungs vibrate.
frogs have there tongue attached in the front of there mouth. Frogs have there ear drum on the side of there face not in there ear.
When a frog swallows his meal, his eyes will close and go back in his head. Also, there are 6-14 types of tongueless frogs! They are found in Africa.
Dear Mrs. rodriguez,
I learned that frogs eggs can be laid in puddles or any body of water. I also learned that the only difference between frogs and toads is that toads live on land. Frogs are also weird among other amphibians, because they dont have tails, and their legs are better for jumping then walking.
hi mrs. r so here are some facts about frogs... they eat insects such as worms, bugs, and spiders. frogs catch there food buy flipping out their tongue. lastly, frogs can be found almost anywhere besides Antarctica. well see you soon bye
An interesting face about frogs is they dont drink water, they absorb it through their skin. Frog bones form a ring when the frog is hibernating and scientists can use these rings to figure out the age of a frog.
=] adele
when i disected the frog it had the same organs and the same shape but they had millions of eggs in them when they have babys
Hi Mrs. R.,
Here are 5 random frog facts.
1.Frogs can jump over 20 times their length.
2.Frogs don't drink water - they absorb it throught their skin.
3.A mother frog can lay up to 1,000 eggs at one time.
4.Only male frogs croak.
5.Certain frogs can be frozen solid, then thawed, and survive.
I learned that a frog has its eyes poping out of it and we have them sunk in eyesockets. they also have a bakwards tongue to help them trap prey like flies.
Hey Mrs. R,
I noticed that tree frogs have sticky pads on their feet and this helps them to sick to trees. During the disection I thought that the frog systems are kind of different and have different shaped organs and they are in different spots than a humans.
Riley M.
Dear Mrs. R,
I'm comparing the human and the frog hearts. Both the hearts have atria that pump blood into the ventricle for the frog, and the ventricles for the human. The frog's heart has special ridged tissues in its ventricle to seperate oxygen poor and and oxygen rich blood.
From your buddy Nick P.
I learned that frogs have all the same organs that humans do. But they are alot smaller. One interesting fact i learned is frogs store their fat in these orange finger like things instead of storing it on their heart of other muscles.
Frogs are...
-cold blooded
-they are a source of food in places like china
-a group of frogs are called the army
-cold blooded
-Tympanum means drum and that is what the ear is called
-a frog can jump about 20x it's size
it would be like if a human could jump 100 feet!
-the longest recorded length that a frog jumped is 33 feet 5.5 inches
- a frog EATS i's sheded skin that it pulled itself out of
they use their different colored skill to blend in with the water colors. Also their tongues are connected in the front of their mouth so they can stretch it out and get the food they need. i also know that they have a 3rd membrane so they can look on top of the water to see their food and the water wont hurt their eyes.
Mrs. R,
i have found that frogs have very different shaped intestines that go behind the rest of the organs not under.
Frogs can lay up to 4,000 eggs at a time.
The female frog makes as many as 2,ooo eggs inside its body. It is fat and heavy while carrying the eggs which slows them, which makes it hard for them to escape their enemies.
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