The atmosphere has 4 main layers; the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere and the thermosphere. These layers are characterized by changes in temperature, but each has different phenomena that occur there. Research one of the layers of the atmosphere and write an interesting fact that you learned about it in your blog comment for this week.
Dear Mrs. Rodreguese,
In the thermosphere the temperature reaches 1000°C.which is 1832°F.
The exoshere is the on top of the thermoshere.In this region this is where atoms and molecules are released into space.
danny s
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez!
For this blog, I decided to research the ionsphere. This is where the northern lights take place. The ionsphere marks the edge of Earths Magnetic field. Solar Flares collide with the ionsphere, causing huge swaths of the sky to turn many colors.
Erik Rogers
Dear Mrs. R,
i researched the atmosphere layer of exosphere. one fact i learned is the exosphere is the highest layer of atmosphere and is located 10,000km above the earth.
The stratosphere is the second major layer of Earth's atmosphere, just above the troposphere, and below the mesosphere.
Hi, Mrs. Rodriguez! I researched the mesosphere which is approximately 50-90 kilometers above the Earth's surface. It is considered the "middle atmosphere" and is subject to intense cooling; temperatures can drop as low as -100 degrees Celsisus, or -148 degrees Fahrenheit.
1.Most of the clouds and rain are in this layer.
2.It extends up to 48km above the earth!
3.The ozone layer is between this layer and the
1.We live in this layer.
2.It contains more than 75% of the atmosphere.
1.This layer extends to 80km above the Earth!
1.This layer begins at ~480km above the Earth and fades away into space.
I picked the troposphere layer and it is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.The troposhpere layer is the layer where most of the Earth's weather takes place.
Temperatures in the Mesosphere can fall as low as -100 degrees C. or
-148 F.
The layer of the atmosphere I studied was the mesosphere. The word mesosphere comes from the Greek words mesos = middle and sphaira = ball. The mesosphere is located from about 50 km to 80-90 km altitude above the Earth's surface.
Our weather occurs in the trotosphere,which is a mere seven miles deep, starting at the Earth's surface. The stratosphere covers another 41 miles before it thins into nothing.
yo Mrs.Rodriguez, I researched a little about the troposphere. It is the lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere. It contains about 75 percent of the atmosphere's mass and 99 percent of its water vapor and aerosols. The troposphere is constantly convecting air.
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez, it's Chase, I learned that:
The troposphere is the first layer
The stratosphere has stratified temperature, ironically.
The mesosphere comes from the Greek word mesa, which means middle.
The exosphere keeps in the earths gasses
-live in troposphere
-75% of the atmosphere is troposphere
The layer of atmosphere that i researhed is the troposphere. this is where all the weather occurs. Also where from the earth to this layer is 4 to 12 miles apart.
Dear Mrs. R,
I decided to research the troposphere. The troposhere contains about 75% of the Earth's mass.
The Exosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere and its about 90-120 miles to get there.
the earths atmosphere is 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038%
Hi mrs r, i am going to talk to you about troposphere, its the nearist to the earth.Also all weather happens here
Planes fly in the stratosphere. The smaller meteoroids that are going to hit the earth are burned up in this part of the atmosphere.
I researched the Stratosphere. The temperature goes up with the altitude. Most of the jets fly here.Also, it has a protective ozone layer at the top of the stratosphere.
Austin B. $$
I learned about the exophesere it the highest layer of the earth also also it extend 10,000 km above the earth.
it is the lowest layer of the atmosphere and this is where clouds and such are formed
This is just a test comment from me. I posted this at 7:42 AM EST
Hi Mrs. R.,
The exosphere is the uppermost layer of an atmosphere. In the exosphere, an upward travelling molecule can escape to space if it is moving fast enough, or be pulled back to earth by gravity.
stratosphere - stratosphere and greenhouse gases cause water to add up and that is causing worse problems with the ozone hole.
1 fact about the Thermosphere is, that over 99.99% of the atmosphere lies below this layer.
hey mrs.r
i noticed your blog was a little off. the four layers are the troposphere, stratosphere,mesosphere and the thermosphere not exosphere.
anyway i searched stratasphere and this is what i got
all the things we wrote in our notes and that it starts at 8 km at its poles this seemed interesting so inturpritit how you will taht is all i got.
from alyssa
hi Mrs. Rodriquez-
I learned a couple things. I learned that most clouds and weather occur up in the stratosphere. Also the ozone layer is in the stratosphere. Ozone is actually a irritating colorless gas with a smell of burning electrical wire. Global Warming is desroying the ozone layer because of the green house gases such as
CO2. That's all for now...until next time.
The mesosphere is the layer where the meteors burn up. this is because of the gasses and if something is going really fast then it will have friction and start to burn.
From Jason
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez.
I learned that the troposphere is 0-12 km above the eath and that mostly all the clouds, storms, and snow come from the troposphere.
The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, happens in the lower layer of the Thermosphere called the Ionosphere. The Aurora Borealis are streams of light that can be seen in the Northern regions of the earth. The Italian scientist Galileo Galilei gave the lights its name: Aurora Borealis.
in thr thermosphere satilites are placed.in the mesosphere meteorites burn up andd we call them shooting stars.in the stratosphere jets fly thus it's called jumbo jet country, or just jet country.and last the troposphere weather occures and it's the closest to
I am doing mine on the layer...
The thermosphere is the outer layer of the atmosphere.The tempurature is cold. It is made of two layers the Insphere, which sends radio waves to earth and the Norhtern Lights (Aurora Borealis) occurs here.And the Exosphere, which is where satalites orbit. That pretty much wraps up the Thermosphere!!!!!!!!!!
Few airplanes are able to fly as high as the stratosphere because the air is so thin that its barely able to support the aircraft, but some spy planes fly near the bottom of the stratosphere.
hi, i reasearched the stratsaphere,one interisting thing about it is that this one is slightly larger than the rest.
I did my research on the thermosphere. An interesting fact that I learned is that it is the fourth layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. The air in this atmosphere is very thin so if there is a small energy change this can cause a dramatic change in temperature.
The thermoshere can heat up to 1500 degrees C.
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez,
did you know that The troposphere layer is wider at the equator than at the poles. ow that is big. well have a good day Mrs. Rodriguez
HeY!!! it is kaeley v,
i FounD oUt thAt tHe troPoSphere id 75% oF the MasS of ThE atmosPhERe, sEeing thaT it hAs aLot Of VapOr. SeE yA!
Thr troposphere is the lower layer. airplanes go in the troposphere.
Where we live
Weather happens here
Water vapor, dust, and pollen is found here
In the thermosphere auroras occur here.
Mrs. rodriguez,
i learned that the mesosphere temperature is lower then antarcticas lowest temperature.
I learnd that the troposhere ranges in thickness from 8km at the to 16km. also that as the farther you go up the colder it gets.
hi mrs r ok im picking the troposphere...heres a fact...the air in the troposphere is heated from the ground up. well talk to u soon bye
The troposphere is the first layer of the earth's atmosphere. Here is where weather takes place. The troposphere also takes up about 75% of the mass of the atmosphere. The word troposphere comes from the Greek word tropos which mean turning or mixing.
In the troposphere, the air is mixed, and the climate decreases with height.
I learned that the air pressure at the top of the troposphere is only 10% of that at sea level
Dear Mrs. Rodriguez,
The thermosphere is located 90km above the earths surface. It is underneath exosphere and above the mesosphere. Ultraviolet radiation causes ionization.
Riley M.
The stratosphere is very dry, air there contains a little water vapor.
The statoshere is were the northern lights come from.
The troposphere is where all weather takes place. It's translation in Latin means 'turn circle"
The thermosphere is really cool. One fact I found out was that if the sun is near the thermosphere it can heat up to 1,500 degrees Celcius.
The troposphere is where all weather takes place.
The troposphere is the first layer above the surface and contains half of the Earth's atmosphere. Weather occurs in this layer.
The troposphere is where most weather occurs such as clouds, rain,wind.
I learned that planes are flown in the stratosphere, i thought that they were flown in the troposphere. Now I know thed real answer.
I chose the trophospher. I learned that it makes up 75% of the weight of the whole atmosphere. The reason there is weather in the trophospher is because air travels up and down which forms clouds.
4 layers of atmosphere
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