After flying around in the atmosphere, now we are descending into the solid part of the earth. In class, we brainstormed questions about the structure of the earth. Pick one of these questions to research and post your findings:
1. How old is the Earth and how do scientists figure this out?
2. How did the Earth form?
3. How did the oceans form?
4. Why are the oceans salty?
5. Who has been to the deepest part of the ocean and how did they get there?
6. How do scientists think magnetic polar shifts happen?
Planet Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago from the same nebula cloud of gas and dust that the Sun and the other planets were formed. It still has a molten centre which causes volcanoes to ocassionally erupt, and plates on the surface are constantly "swimming" meaning that they collide with other plates and cause earthquakes.so they collided together and formed earth.
question 1. Scientists have made four different 'ways' of determining the age of the earth. one way is the age of geological formations created by past events and/or the fossilized bones of prehistoric animals can be determined.
4.55 billion years old
Hi Mrs. R,
I chose to research why the oceans are salty. When a river flows to the ocean, it picks up salt minerals from rocks over time. This water flows into the ocean. Some over the water evaporates or freezes and leaves the salt in the ocean, making the remaining water salty.
Well that's all!
From Nick
1. The world is about 4.55 billion years old. scientists infer with the information that they know.
2. The earth formed by a chain of asteroid hits. Each time the earth was hit it became larger.
3. Gases in the atmosphere settled in craters and took liquid form.
4. The rivers that flow into the ocean pick up salt minerals off rocks and it all flows into the ocean
The ocean is salty because when it rains, the natural minerals wash off of, and out of rocks, into the ocean.
1.5-4.6 billion years old. The found this out by moon rocks.
2. nunula cloud of gas and gas that the sun and other planets formed
3.. Outgassing is the process whereby gases are released from molten rock in the mantle of the planet by volcanic activity
4. minerals from the rock make the water salty
5.12,925 feet
5. Don Walsh dov the deepest in a submarine.
6. Scientists think that they occur at a rate. Every certain amount of years there is a polar shift. The earth is over do for one. There will probably be a polar shift in the near future.
As water flows in rivers, it picks up small amounts of mineral salts from the rocks and soil of the river beds. This water flows into the oceans and seas. The water in the oceans only leaves by evaporating but the salt remains dissolved in the ocean
Dear Mrs. R.
U.S. Navy Lt. Don Walsh and Swiss scientist Jacques Piccard went down to the deepest part of the ocean Marianas Trench at 35,800ft deep on January 23, 1960.
Question 1:
According to reliable techniques used by geologists, the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old. This is based on measurements on outcrops of very ancient rocks (not fossils). But these rocks themselves were probably derived from even older rocks which formed the first-formed continental crust.
hi Mrs R.,
Its danielle i researched the question how old is the earth and how do sciencetist now? i figured out that the earthis about 4.6 billon years old. Scienstist now the earth is this old because every few years they discover more facts about it so it gets older every few years.This is what i figured out about the earth.
4. Why are the oceans salty?
Oceans are salty because of rivers. When rivers flow, they pick up tiny amounts of minerals along riverbanks. When the river empties into the ocean, so does the salt. Also, the salt does not evaporate, so more and more salt keeps coming in, making the ocean saltier and saltier as time passes.
Oceans are salty because the water that fills them contains dissolved salt. Over the course of millions of years, rivers flowing over salt-containing rocks have emptied into the oceans bringing along dissolved salt particles.Salt leaks from solid salt-containing rocks directly into the seas. Salt can also enter the oceans from volcanic activity on the sea floor.
i chose to look up this question... How did the earth form? and this is how al long time aog the earth was a big ball of hot gases. as the gases cooled down they changed color and started compressing smaller and smaller.and when the earth was cool is started to crack. underneath all these cracks water built up and then finally pushed its way through. all the gravity in this world keeps the water on the planet. after all the pressure and heat combinded and made land forms. and after the earth was totally cool these great big ice glacures came over the land on made it even more colder.
Kailey Wilson
I chose to do question #5.
The earth is about 4.55 billion years old. They can tell by rocks and meteorites. The oldest rock is 3.8-3.9 billion years old. Scientists say that, “Earth must be at least as old as any formation on it.”
They also tell by the four reasons listed below:
1. Accumulation of helium in the atmosphere
2. Decay of the Earth's magnetic field
3. Acumulation of meteoritic dust on the Moon
4. Accumulation of metals into the oceans
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez! I did the question number 1. I found that scientists can figure out how old the earth is by looking at the fossils it contains. They are saying that the earth today is 4.55billion years old. THATS IS OLD! haha, well, there is my answer, bye!!!
The Earth formed by a nebula of dust and gas.
Hi Mrs Rodriguez...
I chose number 3, or how did the oceans form? They formed close to 4 billion years ago (3.8)They formed when rain started to fall when the earth started to cool down. The rain formed on the parts of the land that had lower elavation. That's all for now!
Water came to Earth by outgassing by the Earth and comets. Water stayed in gas form until the earth cooled to about 100 degrees celsius. Then it condensed into rain and poured onto the land. The water collected in low lying areas which gradually became oceans.
The earth formed after the Big Bang. At first it was just dust floating around in space. The sun pulled the dust into it's orbit and in that time the dust started to collide into each other making a planet.Then a mentor hit the planet making it bigger but also with a dent in it witch is now our sea.
Dear mrs Rodregues
1.The earth is 4.55 billion years old. scientists use a sieres of methods.
2.the earth was form by the sun
3.the oceans formed from gasses inthe air
I picked the question about how did the oceans form. How the oceans formed is that there was already water on Earth. In the many deep trenches rainwater was collected in huge amounts making our oceans today. The excess rock and salt from volcanoes and geysers seeped into the water making the oceans salty.
Hello, Mrs. Rodriguez! I have decided to research the formation of the Earth. Earth was formed, along with the other planets of our solar system, more than 4 billion years ago, though it took somewhere between 10 and 20 million years for Earth to completely assemble. All of the planets were born out of the solar nebula, an immense disk composed of dust and gas, the remnants of the creation of the Sun. A very small portion of these materials created Earth. Originally, our planet's surface was molten and could never have supported life because of extreme, intense conditions, though the accumulation of water in the atmosphere eventually cooled it and formed the Earth's crust.
As water flows in rivers, it picks up small amounts of mineral salts from the rocks and soil of the river beds.
Sientist have estamated that the earth is about 4.54 billion years old.
From jason
Water in rivers picks up mineral salts from the rocks and soil in the river beds. This slightly salty water goes into oceans and seas. The water in the oceans only leaves by evaporating and freezing, so the salt remains dissolved in the ocean and doesn't evaporate.The remaining water gets saltier over time and, thus, the oceans are salty.
Dear Mrs R.
I am doing the question "Why are the oceans salty?" What i found out was this, as the water goes through rivers it picks up little amounts of mineral salts from the rocks and river beds. this sort of saltly water flows into seas and oceans. the water that is in the oceans evaporate but the salt doesnt so the salt gets saltier and saltier. Thats what i found out.
from your student,
Jaime S.
As water goes through rivers, it picks up salt from the minerals! We all know that rivers go to the ocean, and that makes it salty.
The earth is 4.55 billion years old.They know this bystudying rocks. The oldest rock ever found is about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years old. They know that the earth has to be at least as old as the things found on it. The main way they know is from Pb isochron age, which are from samples of the Earth and meteorites.
Dear mrs R, the Earth is about 5 billion years old. The earth formed by techtonic plates. when techtonic plates move away water forms. All water have chemicals in it that are salts. Two scientists in a metal ball. Something getting too hot and they move
The oceans are salty because water picks up small amounts of mineral salts from the rocks and soil of the river beds. Then it brings it to the ocean.
hey mrs. r
-all water contain disolved chemicals (salts)some water does not seem salty and does not affect the water, your eyes, your taste or your skin.
when rain breaks minerals up in rocks and other things it goes in the ocean making the ocean saltier.
well thats all i got
alyssa b
p.s salt water is the worst i hate swimming in the ocean(except for the oceans near california)
1. Scientists have developed three different methods of determining the age of the earth. These are raidiation meeasurement, stratigraphic superposision, and the fosil record. 2. The earth is about 4.6 billion years old. 3.The earth got its start as a result the "Big Bang nearly 6 billion years ago. 3.Water on the Earth came from two sources,outgassing and bombardment. 4.As water flows in rivers, it picks up small amounts of mineral salts from the rocks and soil of the river beds. This unsalty water flows into the oceans and seas. The water in the oceans only leaves by evaporating, but the salt remains dissolved in the ocean. So the remaining water gets saltier and saltier as time passes. 5. U.S. Navy Lt. Don Walsh and Swiss scientist Jacques Piccard took the bathyscaphe Trieste to the bottom of the Challenger Deep of the Marianas Trench. 6. Magnetic polar shifts happen by the Earth tilting on its axis.
scientist figured out how old the earth was by the rocks. the earth is about 4.55 millon years old
the earth is about 4.5 bill. years old, and we know through the study of special rocks called radiometric rocks, and they do math with the size of the rocks, ect., and find out aprox. how old earth is
see ya!
Oceans are salty because as the water flows in rivers and lakes it collects mineral salts from rocks and mineral beds. When the water goes into the ocean some evaporates over time but the salt doesn't. The water gets saltier over time.
How did the earth form
I found out that the earth formed by a nebula cloud of gas and dust that the sun and other planets were also formed.
Austin B.
Hi Mrs. R,
The oceans are salty becuase as the the water flows it hits rocks and minerals and gathers small amounts of salt. All of this very very little amounts of salt travels with the rivers and goes into the ocean. Once it reaches the ocean it stays becuse the ocean water never leaves the ocean it obly evaporates and rains down agian. The salt stays in ocean and collects.
Dear Mrs. R,
Earth is around 4.6 billion years old and scientists know this because they take data of the slat rate in the oceans and the rate of erosion.
How did the earth form?
The earth formed many years ago. It formed out of different gas's. The earth is still forming today when volcanoes erupt, and earthquakes happen.
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez,
i dont remember id i did a blog comment so i guess ill do another. Oceans formed when it rained. Places with a low elevation filled up and formed oceans.
on a website it said that the earth is abaut 4.55 bilion years old. they can think this because of fosils and other diffrent discoverys
Hi Mrs. R.,
I chose question 4. Part of the reason is because as water flows in rivers, it picks up small amounts of mineral salts from the rocks and soil of the river beds. There is very little salt, but it adds up. The water gets evaporated and the salt stays. This makes the water slightly saltier every time more water is evaporated.
how old is the earth?:
- it is 4.55 billon yrs. (about)
- oldest rocks found are 3.8 to 3.9 billion yrs. ago
-it is calculated by rocks and meterorites
The earth is about 4.55 billion years ago. They found this out by rock samples and meteorites.
Stars from the solar system formed together and made earth.
Gasses from magma and meteorites made H2O in the atmosphere. When the atmosphere cooled the water condensed to form rain.
Dissolved minerals ran into the water to make the oceans taste salty.
Lt. Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard and they took a submarine.
The poles wander and move about 1 degree each year. The reason is unknown.
-More than 3 billion years old
-by studying fossils
Planet Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago from the same nebula cloud of gas and dust that the Sun and the other planets were formed. It still has a molten centre which causes volcanoes to ocassionally erupt.
1. The earth is 4.6 million years old. 2. The earth formed by how the water and trees came up. 3. Oceans formed by rain. 4. They are salty because they flow through rocks and stuff and get the minerals to be salty on the rocks. 5. 12,925 and Don walsh in a sumereen (or however you spell it.) 6. Thye think its a rate. every certain amt. of years there is a polar shit so it will probably happen in the future.
The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. Scientists figure this out using radiometric dating methods. Radiometric dating methods help them to figure out the age of rocks. They can only estimate the Earth's age because they can only measure as far back in time as there was solid rock.
Oceans are salty because when water flows it gets small amounts of mineral salts from rocks. Then this water that is a little bit salty flows to oceans. Water in oceans evaporates and the salt stays. Then the body of water gets saltier and saltier over time.
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