Monday, April 27, 2009

Animal skins

Our skin has many functions. It serves as a barrier, protecting the skin from injury, infection and water loss. It also helps to regulate body temperature and eliminate wastes. It produces vitamin D. Finally it helps us gather information about our environment through our sense of touch. Our nails and hair are both part of our skin.

All animals have some type of skin serving these functions. Research a type of vertebrate animal (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird or mammal) and find out about how their skin has been modified to help them survive.


Taylor C. said...

The amphibian I picked was the frog or a toad. Their skin helps protect them from injury and diseases. Their skin can also let water in and out.They also absorb water through their skin.

robby ferron said...

Birds use their feathers to fly. the feathers have cuts in them wich cuts through the air to go fast.

Chase B. said...

Hi this is Chase, I researched reptiles and found out that their skin helps them by protecting them. But this is not like human skin, it has scales that act like little armored plates that are very much stronger than human skin.

Liam said...

Hi, Mrs. Rodriguez! I chose to research the obscure pangolin's skin. The skin of this armadillo-like animal works in much the same way as human skin to regulate temperature and remove excess water through perspiration. However, what makes the pangolin's skin unique is its scales, which cover the animal's entire body aside from the soft, flexible underbelly. Pangolin scales are incredibly tough and also sharp, providing a defense mechanism for predators. The pangolin can ever roll up into a ball to leave no part of its body exposed from this powerful protective armor.

adele h said...

The skin of a snake can warn a predator or camaflage (<-how do u spell that???) the snake. Also, the snakes skin also helps him/her move around.
~adele :]

Nicholas Taylor said...

I chose lizards.

did you know that lizards don't perspire. they just crawl into a whole in the ground and that's how they cool off.

Chris Dwelley said...

Dear Mrs. Rodreguez

Cats have adapted fur to keep bacteria from going through the skin.

Chris Dwelley

Sara C. said...

Hi Mrs, R.
fishes skin has modified itself by haveing scales layer eachother allowing flexible movement and resisting injury when impacted.

N Wilson said...

Frogs' skin is critical to their survival.They both drink and breathe through it. Frogs don't swallow water they get all the moisture they need through their skin. Frogs must keep their skin moist or oxygen can't pass easily through it and the frog suffocates.

Dan Z said...

Fish have scales to protect them from sharp things like glass or sharp pointy rocks on the bottom of the ocean. The purpose of scales is to give the fish protection.

Lucas H. said...

Snake skin is acually made up of the same material our fingernails are made of. Snakes skin helps protect it from preditors like egales and other large birds from eathing it.

linde t. said...

The animal I pick is a fish! The skin helps to attatch the tail of the fish to the fish. Fish skin plays a big role in swimming. Fish have scales as their skin. Scales help them to swim and to live in their enviroment.

skyley said...

The skin of reptiles is scales and plates, but mostly scales. Lizards and snakes have a sheet of scales that overlap. But the scales of turtles, crocodiles, and stuff like that grow in plates. Crocodiles, alligators, and some lizards have pieces of bone called osteoderms in their scales. The skin of those reptiles gets used as protective armor. This helps them to survive without getting eaten.

Kayley C. said...

Elephants are big weid creatures!!!
They have thick skin to hold their massive body weight. The skin can be up to an inch thick.
Although thats pretty weird and cool this is the weird part... Elephant's skin does not have perpiratory glands, meaning they can not sweat. So the skin can't remove the wastes like us. So their only way out must be the Urethra.
The elephants therefor cool themselves off by fluttering their ears. There are a bunch of veins which get cooled by flapping the ears!!!!!!!!!
Elephants get some Vitimin D but to prevent getting too much from the sun they go in the mud and the mud protects them from the sun. Even though i think they are weird i love them because they are so big an cool!!!!

saranne said...

The snake has skin. Amazingly the snake's skin has many different skin uses. Basiclly their skin has many uses like our to protect and help them survive.

Tim N. said...

Hello Mrs. R,
I decided to do sharks. Sharks skin is very rough. It is made of very strong, toothlike structures. These structures are called dermal denticles. It has a texture like sandpaper, and is even used as sandpaper in different cultures. Sharks are drably countershaded. This means that when you look down on the sharks, they blend in with the dark water, and when you look up on the sharks, the shark blends with the light sky. Some sharks skin is up to 10 centimeters thick.

Nicholas S. said...

Heyy, i did fish. The fish has skin on it to be able to live in all of the water. It has a slimy coat on it to move around better.

Danielle H. 7-3 said...

A dog needs skin because without it there would be no hair. It would be unable to grow. Skin is also helpful to them because it helps keep out diseases. It is like a barrier. The apocrine glands, which produce sweat in humans, have two other functions in dogs.

Isaiah Nunez said...

Most fish are covered in scales. They prtect it from the saline enviorment in which it lives. They also help it move easily through the water.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Rodrigue!
I chose to research birds for your blog. Well most birds are'nt adapted for cold weather so they have to migrate to warmer climates. The birds that stay huddle in groups or have extra feaathers that they fluff to keep warm. They also hide in snowdrifts.
Well thats my answer!
Erik Rogers

ashtin s said...

hi mrs. r its ashtin. i picked the fish. the skin on a fish helps the fish to be able to swim. Also, it helps the skeletal parts to be supported. overall the skin does do quite a bit for the fish. well i will talk to you soon... its was good talking to you! talk to you later!
p.s i am really nervous for the frog discection! because i got kinda of queezy withe the lamb heart! sooo do you think i will be ok with the frog one? i mean i am interested in all and i wanna do it but once i actually do it, it makes me queezy but i think im just gona suck it up! well byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for now

Kailey M. Wilson said...

i chose to look up the Hagfish Slime eel. their skin is smooth and proudces slime when the need it. theri skin is like a fishes skin exsecpt less scally. their skin is flexable and allows then to move with ease.

Kailey Mara Wilson

alyssa b said...

hey mrs.r

puffer fish

to puffers their skin scares off other prediters. obviously it keeps their organs in tack also. humans can not eat puffer fish because it is very deadly and will kill you unless prepared in such a way elimiting all is mostly made in japan and called fugu. thay have so much poison in them it can kill 30 adult humans, there is no antidote. their skin protects their insides, scares preditors, and is extremely venomous to humans unless prepared by a skilled pro.

from alyssa b

p.s i got a green spotted puffer fish for my birthday and was un-aware they ate other fish and he ate one of my fish when i put him in my tank. he is now isolated in a bowl thankfully.

Codi B. said...

Hey Mrs.Rodriguez. I did my research on the monkey.

The monkey has skin just like humans. The only thing that is different about the monkey's skin is that the money has fur to cver its skin. The fur is to protect the monkey's skin because it lives in the wild. The monkey can also get skin diseases jsut as we can. The monkey cleans its fur on the skin alot. Without the fur, the monkey's skin would get damaged.


Alex N said...

Hey!!! did you know one fish is actually transparent its the north porgee you can see its in sides and the vains and heart.

Michela M :) said...

Frogs have many toxins and other liquids that keep away predators. When frogs dink there mouths open and then they absorb water trough there skin.

Anonymous said...

Iguanas skin texture is very diffrent from humans skin texure. It is very rough and feels like sand paper. And it can irrate humans skin.

Jaime S.

ELise said...

fish's scales help them survive by external protection which is also called the outer shell

Catrina ^-^ said...

Hi Mrs. R, I was learning about reptile skin and found that reptile skin heals much more slowly than mammal skin, often taking about 6 weeks for the infection to be fully restored. I think this means that skin is less durable than mammals but I don't know, okay, so this is my post!

Danny S said...

Reptiles have scales to keep there bodys warm. They are cold blooded so they have to get heat from the sun. The scales help to absorb the sun.

Danny S

Gabe L. said...

Reptiles have scales that help them absorb the sun to keep them warm because they are cold blooded. They need warmth so they use the sun to heat them up with their interesting skin.

Zachary Paquin said...

Fish have skin that allows them to swim fast and not get damaged as easily.

mark t. said...

snakes have layered scales that act as skin.when they shed their skin another layer is ready to go. they shed their skin on rough surfaces. their skin is smooth and helps them slither.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. R,
Fish skin like ours has an epidermis and a dermis. The epiderms is constantly shedding like ours. However, their epiderms is not made up of dead cells but a special cell called Epithelial. In between these special cells are slime cells. The slime cell are important because they produce a substance that makes the protective coat for a fishe. This is called the slime coat. This slime coat helps them speed through the water.

Vanessa 7-2

KAELEY V. said...

Fish scales help them in their surroundings because they protect the fish.. Its like humans wearing a raincoat while its raining, scales water-proof the fishes internal organs.

Lucy M said...

I did my research on birds. The bird’s skin has a couple different parts to it. First the legs, feet, and beak have a scaly skin like a reptile. The rest of the bird is covered in feathers. The feathers on the bird help to attract mates, protect the bird’s sensitive skin, they act like insulators keeping the bird warm, and the also help to camouflage the bird. The feathers of a bird are what keep the bird alive, as they are part of the skin.

Ellerie E. said...

The skin of a manatee is wrinkled and gray. The hairs on it are sparse, but there are some bristles on the muzzle.

pammy c said...

dear mrs rodriquez,
i learned that the fishes skin well scales help them a lot. they can be very flexible so the fish can bend easily to swim. the skin helps generate the muscualr power through the fish to the tail to help it swim and is like energy by caputring the strech to it to help it swim. it also proteects the fishes insides.

sam r said...

amphibian skin is always hairless and rarely scaled. It provides the animals with protective coloring, a way to absorb oxygen and water from their environment, and a defense against predators. Their skin comes in a variety of colors.

Joshua L said...

Hi Mrs R,

I am going to talk to you about fish skin. Fish skin has mucus under it. They could only survive without there skin if you take off the mucus also.

Owen M said...

I studied sharks. Sharks have skin that is like armor. This helps the sharks swim faster. Sharks skin is so tough if they bump into fish they can injure it. This helps the sharks in their environment so they can survive.

Julia N. said...

The animal I researched is a seal. Under a seals skin, there is a thick layer of fat called blubber to keep them warm. This helps the seal survive in harsh conditions.

Colleen!!!! said...

I chose to write about elephants. Elephants have thick skin on most of their body to hold their weight. Their skin doesn't eliminate wastes; they don't have sweat glands. That's all I really found.

Jason B said...


i reaserched the fish and its skin. the fishes skin is used to help the fish swim. when the fish swims the water passes through skin to help them go through the moshins to be able to swim.


Austin B. said...


Fish have most of the five senses we do: vision, hearing, taste, smell but not touch. All of these functions allow fish to find their prey by using these five senses. The skin is tough and elastic giving the fish good protection and allows it to heal after injuries. This is why in certain ways the fish is similar to humans just without the sense of touch.

- Austin Brown

Sam D said...

Frogs absorb most of the water they need through their skin. They also get alot og oxygen from there skin. Frogs shed there skin regularly. After they shed there skin, they eat it!

mikem said...

the duck has feathers like most other birds and the ducks feathers are waterproof.

Dan D said...

On a snake it's skin helps it survive by being able to blend in with its enviornment. This helps it so it can eather hide form another preditor or help it so it can sneek up on its prey. A snake's skin also help it to grow. when a snake is growing and becomes to large for its skin it will shead out of its old skin and be in its next layer.

melissa s said...

>whales have no sweat glands
>body's temp. is about 99 degrees F
>no oil glands
>their blubbler which is beaneath their skin has insulation which stores enenergy

Lizzie said...

Snakes skin has many functions, like…
First defense against disease
Helps them move
Sheds skin to grow a new skin to accommodate the growing body

Izzy C. said...

Fish have mucus glands on their scales, and sometimes they have poison in them for protection.

Jasmine j said...

Amphibian skin let's water go in and out easily the same with air

danielle e said...

I chose to write about frogs have a lyracl skin type it protects them from injury and di9sease this comes in many color types.

jon said...

fish skin keeps in heat very well because of in the cold water.the skin also can keep heat out in the hot water so the fish dosent over heat.

BrendanB said...

the skin of a snake is all scales some are slimy and gross amd shed skin plus the eye lids.

Christina G said...

Snakes have scales for skin. The scales on their belly are special and allow the to grip the ground and move. The outer layer sheds in one shot. Sometimes the skin sheds in pieces.

Jasmine J said...

Amphibian skin allows water and air into the body from the skin itself.

Daniel M said...

dog skin is the same except that they have anal openings.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. R,
Snakes have very many over laping scales.Snakes skin is acually dry and smooth. They can move by having special scales that grip onto thing underneath them. The snakes eyelid is transparent and is always close. WOW! It is also knon as brille.
Riley M.

Phillip.L said...

A Polar Bear's skin is black. It helps the polar bear to get as much sunlight as possible so it can stay warm.

joshua H said...

fish have a slimy coat on there skin to help it move around better.