So far in our Human Body Systems unit, we have studied the skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems. You have learned all about how these systems work when everything functions normally, ie when you're healthy. What happens when something doesn't work right, when you're ill? Find out about one disease or disorder that affects one of these systems. Explain what doesn't work right and how doctor's treat the problem.
Examples - Skeletal: osteoporosis, scoliosos, bone cancer
Muscular: Muscular distrophy, fibromyalgia,
Digestive: stomach ulcers, Krohn's Disease, diverticulitis, stomach cancer
Circulatory: leukemia, anemia, sickle cell anemia, aneurism
Respiratory: Emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis

I have learned about a disease in the circulatory system. The disease is called the peripheral artery disease. Your peripheral arteries may develope atheroclerosis, the build up of fat on the inside walls. It eventually causes less blood being flowed to your body.It can cause chest pain, stroke, changes of skin color, cramps, sores, or other diseases depending on where it is located. It can be treated by stopping skoking habbits, excersizing, and eating healthier. The part of the body with the disease would be effected.
Bronchitis means that the tubes that carry air to the lungs (the bronchial tubes) are inflamed and irritated. When this happens, the tubes swell and produce mucus. This makes you cough.You should drink plenty of fluids.This can help you bring up mucus when you cough.
Hey Mrs. R.
The disease I chose was leukemia.
This happens in the circulatory system. This disease is a cancer that makes white blood cells not function and not fight disease properly. Treatment for leukemia is complex, and it sometimes has to do with your age and health. Sonme types of treatment are cemotherapy, biological therapy, radiation therapy, and more.
From your favorite student,
Nick P.
It is not known what causes most bone cancers. Some are due to a gene change inherited from a parent and some are due to a gene change that happens during a person's lifetime. Pain in the area of the cancer is a common symptom. There is sometimes swelling in the area of the cancer. Cancer can weaken bone, so fractures are more likely to happen.
True bone cancer is called ‘sarcoma'. Sarcomas can grow in bone anywhere in the bodyPain in the area of the cancer is a common symptom. There is sometimes swelling in the area of the cancer.
Dear Mrs. Rodriguez,
Lung cancer is a common dsease. Tar forms around the lungs adn make it harder to breath. Doctors either do a transplant, chemotherapy, or they will remove the lung and don't replace it.
Chris Dwelley
I picked skeletal and for my disease it is Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is when the bones in your back get fragile or weak. There is no one treatment for this disease, however there are medications, such as, Boniva to help prevent bone loss. To help prevent this disease you could stay fit and eat healthy.
Appendicitis is an infenction of the appendix, a small fingerlike pouch attached to the large intestine. The appendix creates mucus, which passes through the inside the appendiceal lumen, into the large intestine. When obstruction ocurrs in the appendcial lumen, this mucus is blocked. Blockage causes an abnormal build-up of bacteria. Therefore, the appendix becomes swollen and infected, causing extreme abdominal pain and vomiting. Appendicitis can be fatal if it is not diagnosed quickly. Surgery is required to remove the appendix from the body so that the infection does not spread to more vital organs of the body. Removal of the appendix does not seem to have any effect on the body.
Bronchitis is when the tubes that carry air to the lungs are inflamed and irritated. Your bronchial tubes do not work right. Most people can treat symptoms of acute bronchitis at home. Drink plenty of fluids and by using over the counter medicine are things that cure it.
I chose that Fibromyalgia thing you said in the beginig. Fibromyalgia syndrome is a common and chronic disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. the Fibromyalgia syndrome effects tender points in the body – on the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and upper and lower extremities – where people with fibromyalgia feel pain in response to slight pressure. Although fibromyalgia is often considered an arthritis-related condition, it is not truly a form of arthritis (a disease of the joints) because it does not do damage to the joints, muscles, or other tissues. Like arthritis, however, fibromyalgia can cause significant pain and fatigue, and it can interfere with a person’s ability to carry on daily activities. Also like arthritis, fibromyalgia is considered a rheumatic condition.
Nicholas Taylor
dear Mrs. R,
i learned about scoliosos. this is a skeletal disorder that occurs when the spine isn't alined right and needs to be starightened out. doctors fix this by making the patient wear a brace a night or even the whole day if the alingment is off enough.
Hi Mrs. R,
Hemophilia is a disorder that affects the ability to clot blood. It is genetic, usually inheritaded. Hemophiliacs must be careful to avoid injury as to not cause bleeding. However, if injury accures then doctors can give an injection of VII, a clotting factor.
The hooked ends of the blood vessels get caught up in the blood vessels and organs and cause problems and pain. They get caught up in the joints and cause a lot of pain. Thats what will happen if the circulatory system when it has sickle cell anemia.
jaime s.
Pnuemonia is an inflammed disease of the lungs. It can be triggered by microorganisms. Symptoms often begin 2 or 3 days after someone has gotten a cold. The doctors treat it with oral antibiotics, or if it's worse, the patient is then hospitalized.
I did my research on fibromyalgia. It is a disease where pain is widespread throughout the body. As many as 2% of the population suffer from this syndrome and is 8 times more common in women than in men. The cure for this syndrome has not yet been invented, but medical researchers are actively trying to find a cure. The chronic pain affects people both mentally and physically. It is a new disease that is just being discovered.
I chose scoliosis because supposedly I have a small case of it. My left leg is a little taller than my right. So if I want to be taller stand on the left leg, shorter on the right. Scoliosis is a condition that can affect spines of lots of children, teenagers and adults. The human spine has many natural curves which help our bodies to move and be flexible. However, when there is abnormal side-to-side curves in the spinal, doctors refer to it as scoliosis. There are three basic types of treatments for scoliosis, observation (for small curves), orthopedic bracing, or surgery. I wonder what they could do for my leg???
Sickle Cell Anemia is a very serious disorder of which the physical effects are very severe and numerous. Over 120,000 of people worldwide fall victim to the disorder every year and over 60,000 people are diagnosed with it die annually. Instead of having effects and complications that are limited to one system of the body, this disease affects many systems. The systems of the body that are most affected by Sickle Cell are the circulatory system and the respiratory system. The physical complications are very numerous for victims of Sickle Cell Anemia and range in terms of seriousness from pale skin to death. Sickle Cell Anemia affects the victim’s body in a great number of ways causing them to acquire other diseases as well as a number of severe complications and many noticeable symptoms.
Dan M
Hey Mrs. R, I found out about Lung cancer! ):
Lung cancer may spread to the chest and then to other parts of the body. For example, if it spreads to the spine or bones, it may cause pain in the back or other bones or weakness in the arms or legs. If it spreads to the brain, it may cause seizures, headaches, or vision changes.
So you can see that it effects your skeletal system and can effect your brain, but i dont know what system that's in.
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez-
Osteoporosis- this disease leads to a higher risk of fracture. Osteoporosis lowers your bone density, which makes your bones weaker and harder to move.
-Codi B
In osteoporosis the bone mineral density is reduced, bone micro architecture is knocked out of balance, and the amount and variety of non-collage nous proteins in bone is changed.
Hey Its Mrs.R guess what malaria is one disease that stops some of your blood from coming or flowing.
Dear Mrs. Rodriguez,
I decided to research Kyphosis. Kyphosis affects the spine, causing the it to curve forward. This disease includes tuberculoses and syphillis. This is treated by MRI's and therapy.
From, Erim Rogers
Osteoperosis is a skeletel deases most common in causes bones to become more fragile and easeir to break.
A cure is Boniva. it is a medicine youb take once a week
Hi!Leukemia is when wbc multiply uncontrollably, affecting the amount of rbc being made. To start a cure, they do a stem cell transplant. Crazy, huh?
Dear mrs. Rodriguez,
Bone cancer is a tumor in your bones that destroys tissue. Doctors diagnose bone cancer with a bone scan. It is treated with chemotherapy, and an operation to remove the tumor.
hey Mrs, r.
i found an disorder called anxiety disorder this causes the anxitey glands to affect the body. when people have this disorer they think they will die or have a cersure at any moment. doctors cant really fix this and it is a serious disorder.
Chrohn's Diasese affects the digestive tract. It inflames the tract, mainly the intestines. Drugs, surgery, and other treatments can be used to help cure it. Sometimes, it will never go away in that person's lifetime.
The disease i found was Esophageal Diseases which is found in the digestive system. this disease affects the esophagus. to treat this doctors are doing therapeutic treatments on the people who have this disease. Doctors are also doing invasive surgical procedures to cure this disease.
Kailey M. Wilson
Emphysema is a disease that affects the alveoli. It's a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The walls of the alveoli are damaged and cause larger and irregularly shaped air spaces that are bad for absorbing and exchanging oxygen.
Diabetes is a disease were you have high blood sugar. You have to regulate how much sugar yopu eat because without eating your blood sugar is to high. If they don't eat enough and over do it they can go into a coma. Diabetes has to do with the circulatory system.
Danny S
I studied Alzheimer disease. It is when you loose memories of what you used to know. It can be as bad as not being able to walk. It is the 6th largest killer in the USA. There is no cure for this disease.
When someone has bronchitis there is a swelling of the airways in the lungs. To treat bronchitis a special inhaler is used help open airways and stop wheezing.
What doctors do to help scoliosis is give there patient a brace. This is helping this by when you wear it and what happens as you grow the brace wont let your bones move out of place so your back becomes strait.
A stomach ulcer is a small hole in the gastrointestinal tract.
hi mrs r its ashtin. i picked stomach cancer. some things that dont go right are that you loose wait, and you may have a bloated feeling after eating, etc. Also, doctors treat this problem by doing chemotherapy. see you in class! byee :)
when you get lung cancer you can have two different types non small and small lung cancer. what really happens is radon gas gets into your lungs. lung cancer takes years to develop. abnormal cells form in the branchi and and they may cause tumors,
Lung cancer occurs when cells in the lung start to grow rapidly in an uncontrolled manner. they treat it by surgry. a high x ray that kills the cells.
When your body is ill then you could have a disease and you may die depending on hoe will you are. Stomach cancer affects the digestive system because the stomach is part of the digestive system. Every part of where the cancer is does not work. Doctors say the most common way to treat stomach cancer, which is also called Gastric Cancer, is sergery.
~Adele H.~
Hi Mrs. R,
I decided to do Osteogenesis Imperfecta. It causes bones to become brittle. Bones can break easily, and sometimes do for no apparent reason. There is no known cure. It can also cause weak muscles, curved spine, brittle teeth, and hearing loss. OI can have mild to severe pain levels, and symptoms vary from person to person.
I chose the lungs. A disease of the lungs is pneumonia. Pneumonia is when the air sacs in your lungs fill with liquid. Oxygen has problems getting to your lungs. To get read of pneumonia, doctors give patients antibiotics. You can't rush recovery of pneumonia.
Scoliosis is where a person's spine is messed up and crooked.Doctors treat it by giving the person a brace which realigns the spine. Like braces on teeth.
When you experience lung cancer your body will cough up blood.You could also have a tumor or a lump in a part of your lung. If the disease is found early and has not spread into any major organs such as the liver. They surgeons will preform surgery on the patient and remove the infected part.
Hey Mrs. R,
Lung cancer generaly forms over many years of smoking. Your lungs eventually turn a blackish color or dark. It is most likly fatal.
-scoliosos is when there is a curve in your spine. Not only does this effect your spine but it can also effect other parts of your skeleten. Also it can press on organs and cause organ failure.
-Docters can treat this by pputting the person in a brace.
when you have a sore thout, the docter might tell you not to drink milk.You may also lose your voise inwitch your voice box is not working.
Also in the opening the begining that says, ,ie your healthy.
Diverticulitis affects the digestive system. Diverticulitis happens when there are abnormal pouches inside your large intestine and they become inflamed. The symptoms are discomfort that gets worse when you eat, pain in your lower abdomen, fever, vomiting, weakness and fatigue. If it is not too serious, eating a high fiber diet and pain medication can help. Rest, antibiotics and a liquid diet also bring relief. If you have a serious attack, you may need surgery.
lung cancer effects how the lungs work. It causes coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, wheezing, and pain in the chest. Some treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and radiation therapy.
Lung cancer is a disease that affects the respiratory system. Symptoms can be constant chest pain, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, wheezing and have pneumonia and bronchitis over and over. One in 13 men and 1 in 16 women will be diagnosed with lung cancer. Treatment may include surgery to remove tumors if necessary, chemotherapy and radiation.
The hooked ends of the blood vessels get caught up in the blood vessels and organs and cause problems and pain. They get caught up in the joints and cause a lot of pain. Thats what will happen if the circulatory system when it has sickle cell anemia
Dear Mrs. Rodriguez,
I chose lung cancer because it is a very common disease. Tar forms around the lungs making it a difficult task to breathe. Doctors now know that cigarettes can cause lung cancer. You can do treatments on your lungs before it gets even worse and harder to breathe.
Lung cancer is a common disease. Tar forms around the lungs and makes it harder to breath. Doctors either do a transplant, chemotherapy, or they will remove the lung.
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