Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Digestive System

All animals need to eat in some fashion to get energy. Do all animals have esophagi, stomachs and intestines? Remember caterpillars, worms and sponges are animals, too. Pick an animal and find out one fact about the digestive system of that animal. Post your fact in the comment section of the blog by Friday 3/13. Please only post once and remember to use only your first name and last initial.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Rodriguez,

The eating of faeces is normal for the guinea pigs digestive process. They do that to get b vitamins.

Chris D.

Anonymous said...

Hedgehogs have all of the same digestive system parts as humans. Their gallbladder is half the size of their liver.

Anonymous said...

The animal I picked was the frog. All the frog's organ's including the heart, the lungs, and all organs of digestion are all held in a hollow space.

Anonymous said...

Not all animals have thse parts because sea spnges only filter their food too get energy. The cow has more than one stomach.

Anonymous said...

A sheep has a special four-compartment stomach especially designed to digest food high in fiber such as grass, hay and silage.

Anonymous said...

I fond that fish do have the same digestive track as us.

Anonymous said...

Cows have 4 compartments to their
stomachs: rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. Rocks, nails, pieces of wire and metal are sometimes found in the reticulum of cattle.

Anonymous said...

All animals do have intestines, but do not all have stomachs and esophagus.

I picked a whale:
A whale has four main compartments in their stomachs:
- The Forestomach
- The Fundic Chamber or Main Stomach
- The Connecting Stomach
- The Pyloric Stomach

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. R,
The stomach has 4 sides and the digestive system is so strong that it can digest dry scubs, weeds and thorns.


Anonymous said...

I read about a toucans digestion system at . I learned that toucans have high metabolic rates so they have to eat in proportion to their own size unlike most animals. I think this is important to know because if a bird ate too much then its digestion would be way off.
Alyssa B

Anonymous said...

Elephants have a digestive system. Here is how they work. First the food goes into their mouth, the mouth is not very big compared to the rest of the elephant so there are saliva glands and mucous glands. Those glands will help the food pass through the digestive system easier.

Anonymous said...

Yes, incects have almost the same digestive system. i chose to look up if wealseles have the same digestive system. and i have come to find out they do not have the same digestive system as humans do. this is because they kill chickens, drag them off some where, take the head off, then suck the blood. their mouths are not big enough to eat tender meat.

Kailey W.

Anonymous said...

Most animals have esophagi, stomachs, and intestines. These are animals like arachnids, arthropods, birds, cnidarians, crustaceans, echinoderms, fish, worms, insects, mammals, mollusks, reptiles,and amphibians. Sponges and bryozoans don't have these.

The animal I picked was a cow. One fact that I have learned about the cow's digestive system was that it is a ruminant, meaning it has a four-chambered stomach. The first chamber is the large rumen, or pouch. The next two are the reticulum and the omasum. These three are believed to be derived from the esophagus. The last chamber is the abomasum which corresponds to the stomach of other mammals.

~linde t

Anonymous said...

hello, cats in fact do have esophagi, stomachs and intestines.

Anonymous said...

Dog do have esophagi, stomachs and intestinesin their bodies.

Anonymous said...

I researched the turtle. The turtle has all of the parts of the digestive system that a human does. It works exactly the same. The procees is almost perfectly the same as humas, but the turtle's process doesn't take quite as long to digest as the average human does.

Anonymous said...

The animal that I'm talking about is a walrus. Scientists have found that, when they open the stomach of a walrus, you will find mostly the shells of clams. Walruses eat lots of clams, but it is hard to digest such hard parts of an animal.

Anonymous said...

The stomache of a horse only takes up 10% of their digestive system.

Anonymous said...

I think dogs have the same digestive system because they have

-large inestine
-small intestine

Anonymous said...

the digestive system of a crab starts at the mouth then leads to an esophagus and then goes to the stomach. crabs have a chamber in their stomach called the gastric mill

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. R.,
Its Nick P.!
The animal I chose is the horse.
Fact: The horse has a stomach and a large and small intestine, like the human.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriguez!
I was searching for the answers to your questions, but I couldn't find an answer about present-day animals with/ with out a stomach. I figured out that long ago the first multi-cellular animals like hydras had no stomach( or were basically all stomach because the whole digestive system was a big pit). My specific animal is a platypus, because it is the most original I ould think of. An interesting fact I figured out baout his animals was that they have 2 different diets . They have a summer diet( which contains of 64% cadidid fly larve,)and a winter diet( which contains of 41% cadidid fly larve.)The only difference is that the rest of the percentage of the diet is winter vs summer bugs.
Kaeley V.

Anonymous said...

Mice have things almost exactly what humans have in their digestive system, but its smaller. They have the small and large intestines, pancreas, liver, and esophogas.

Anonymous said...

All animals do not have a stomach, esophagus and intestines. The sponge does not have a mouth or an anus and does not have extracellular digestion, food is filtered out of the water, taken into vacuoles, and digested within the cells.

Anonymous said...

hi mrs rodriguez its ashtin! The animal i picked is a giraffe! yay one fact about the girrafes digestive system is that a girrafes heart is about 22 pounds and is around 2 feet long!!!!! wow big heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well talk to you soon! Byeeee

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Rodriguez!
Did you know that cows have a stomach with four components that can hold fifty gallons of half digested food? Well now you know! By the way, whens our next quiz?
Erik R.

Anonymous said...

The whitetail deer has a four-chambered stomach that processes large amounts of low-nutrient foods.

Anonymous said...

No,not all animals have the same stomach type. An earthworm can eat its body weight every day, this means its stomach is very large and it can hold lot of food.

Liam said...

Hi, Mrs. Rodriguez! Did you know that the wombat uses fermentation from bacterial colonies in both its intenstines to help it digest cellulose? Also, wombat feces are very dry; typically, only 50% is water.

Anonymous said...

the dolphins esophagus is called an oesophagus. the lungs are green.

samantha r

Anonymous said...

I found out that the teeth of a dolphin are desinghed for grasping slippery prey.

-Danielle E-

Anonymous said...

I did the cats digestive system. Come to find out their digestive system is exactly the same but some organs may be smaller.

From Isaiah Nunez

Anonymous said...

2.cattle have several stomachs.

Anonymous said...

An important source of digestive enzymes is the pancreas (for a fish).

Adele H.

Anonymous said...

the dogs digestive system does not have villi.

Anonymous said...

Manatee's intestines are very long for an animal of their size. Adults have no incisor or canine teeth. Instead they have a set of cheek teeth but are not called molars or premolars.


Anonymous said...

Rabbits can eat a wide variety of plant material. They can get nutrients from many plants that are indigestible to herbivores and omnivores.

Anonymous said...

Chickens have an esophagus like us, but they have a crop which is used for feed storage and moistening. They have a gizzard which is a muscular stomach.

Anonymous said...

a dolphin has a an esufugus. It uses it to eat squid.

Anonymous said...

yes, all animals have esophagi,stomachs, and intestines.
The human has a 20 foot long intestine.

Anonymous said...

yes, all animals have esophagi, stomach, and intestines.i chose horse to do for my animal and they have a digestive system alot like humans. starts by chewing, traveling through the esophogas and entering the stomach. after that like humans it goes to the small intestines where the most nutrients are absorbed. then it reaches the large intestines where the waste gets the liquid removed and in the rectum is compacted and released through the anus. it's alot like the human digestive system. one fun fact is it has a special small intestine because it has to take the proteins and nutrients out of the grass they consume not any meat.

Anonymous said...

The digestive system of a rabbit includes the digestive tract and its accessory organs. Food is broken down, bit by bit, until the molecules are small enough to be absorbed and the waste products are eliminated.

Anonymous said...

The frog has a Esophagus just like us

Anonymous said...

I chose a kangaroo. One fact is that they regurgitate their food.

Anonymous said...

A horse has an Esophagus.

Anonymous said...

I chose to find one fact about an octopus. The digestive system of an octopus is virtually the same as a human's, except it has extra organs such as the crop, that are used for other functions that we humans do not posses.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Rodriguez,
I chose girrafe, I learned that since Girrafes are herbivores, they do not have incisors for chemical digestion. Instead, they
have big ridged molars for better grinding. girrafes have large spaces in their skuls for large muscles to be attached for all the chewing.


Anonymous said...

The Bengal Tiger has a pretty much similar digestive system to ours. They have all of the essential organs, stomach, liver, esophagus, etc. The organs seem to be normally placed, the esophogus leading to the stomach, the liver near the gallbladder and pancreas, etc.

Anonymous said...

wow. The digestive system is really a very interesting thing. it's actually pretty cool how your body knows how to do all that stuff. it's weird how they now just what to do.

Anonymous said...

Christina Grover

Cats have a digestive system like ours. They have teeth, mouth, salivary gland, esophagus, stomach,intestines, pancreas, liver,and gall bladder.

Anonymous said...

Dogs have all the human organs we have, including the heart, esophagus, and more!

Anonymous said...

yes they do

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Rodriquez. The animal i researched was the dolphin. It had an esophagus , stomach and liver. I think its cool too. Talk to you soon. bye.

Anonymous said...

A fish has only 2 chambers in its heart.

Anonymous said...

A lizard has 3 chambers in its heart. The left half of the ventricle pumps oxygenated blood (received from the left atrium) to the body and the right half pumps deoxygenated blood (received from the right atrium) to the lungs.

Anonymous said...

Fish have two chambers