You’ve been learning about the human heart. Our heart has 4 chambers and is divided into a left and a right side. What about other animals? Find out about the hearts of fish, amphibians, reptiles, or birds. Just pick one and tell how many chambers their heart has and how it pumps blood through their bodies.
I picked a bird. It has four chambers. The blood that's returning from the head and the body to the heart is pumped to the lungs. The blood returning from the lungs get pumped throughout the body.
a fish heart has 2 chambers, an atrium which collects blood from the body and pumps the blood into the second chamber, the ventricle. It stretches and squeezes the blood into the aorta which carries the blood to the gills where oxygen is picked up. From the gills, the blood flows on to the body and distributes the oxygen and finally returns to the atrium of the heart to start again.
A birds heart has 4 chambers too. One chamber is the left ventrical just like a human. A second chamber is the left atrium which is also like the human. A third chamber is the right ventricle. A fourth chamber is the right atrium. Overall, a bird's heart is very similar to a humans heart.
the amphibian has two atrias, but one vetricle. there are two pulmonary arteries around one aorta that the conus punps the blood.
Chris Dwelley
Amphibians have only 3 chambers in their heart. Th eblood still flows the same way but they only have 3 chambers. the chambers bring blood back and forth to the heart.
Kailey W.
There are four heart chambers in a bird and the pumping chambers are the two atriums and the two ventricles.
jaime s.
I chose a fish. A fish heart has 4 chambers; the aorta, ventricles, atrium, and conus.
A bird has a total of 4 chambers in its heart.The right side of a bird's heart receives used deoxygenated blood, and on it's left side, it sends reoxygenated blood through the body.
Hi Mrs. R!
I found out about fish, seeing that they are an interesting topic to me, even though I have had a few catastrophes with them. I found out that they have 2 main chambers: the thin-walled atrium, and the muscular ventricle. The atrium pumps blood through the ventricle, which then pumps blood into the conus,an elastic compartment which does not pumps blood, but expands to the amount of blood in it, and then the blood goes to the gills, which has oxygen in them, and will eventually will go back to the atrium, and start over.
A bird has a left and right ventricle and a left and right atrium. The haert gets o2 rich blood from the lungs and sends it out to the places of need and when it is done there and is o2 poor blood now and sends it back to the lungs to get o2 and the cycle starts again.
To answer your question, yes, birds do have a four chambered heart. Did you know that a house sparrows heart beats at 460 beats per minute when sitting down?
Erik R.
There is three heart chambers in a frog and the pumping chambers are the two atria and the one ventricle
Birds have a four chambered heart like mammals. Two of these chambers are basically receiving vessels called atria. The blood flows into their atria at the end of its journey around the body or to and from the lungs. The other two chambers, the ventricles, send the blood off on its endless journey again. Their blood travels in a figure 8 like in mammals.
Hi, Mrs. Rodriguez! I was just reading about a fish's heart. According to my source, a fish heart has only two chambers: an atrium and a ventricle. Unlike our heart, the atrium is below the ventricle, and pumps blood up into it. The ventricle than contracts, pushing the blood up into the conus, a small, flexible compartment. The conus squeezes the blood directly into the gills, where it is enriched with oxygen and then pumped throughout the rest of the body. The blood then returns to the atrium, and the cycle begins again. Thus, fish blood makes only one loop throughout the body using a simple two chamber heart.
The fish heart has two chambers. One atrium and one ventricle. The blood flows from the heart to the gills, the rest of the body and back to the heart
Two atria and one ventricle make up the three-chambered heart of a snake yes they pump blood through the liver
saranne 7-3
I reasearched the frog. The frog has 2 atriums like mammals, but only one ventricle where they both drain oxygen rich & oxygen poor blood.
Hi Mrs. R,
Bird hearts also have 4 chambers; 2 atrium and 2 ventricle. They pump blood the same as us as well, in a figure 8 formation.
I picked birds out of the choices. Birds have four chambers in their heart just like we do! The blood in bird’s bodies gets pumped to the body by the left ventricle and the blood gets pumped to the lung by the right ventricle. The bird's cardiovascular system is very similar to ours!!!!
Birds also have a four chambered heart. They pump blood through out the body like ours, in a figure 8. They also have two atria and two ventricles. The two atria pump blood to and from the lungs.
Hi Mrs. R
Pigs have only 2 pulmonary veins coming from their l. atrium. Also, two thirds of the aortic valve being supported by left ventricular musculature.
A fish has two chambers in its heart. One atrium and one ventricle. Blood is pumped from the ventricle through the conus arteriosus to the gills. The conus arteriosus is like the aorta in other species. At the gills, the blood receives oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. Blood then moves on to the organs of the body, where nutrients, gases, and wastes are exchanged. There is no division of the circulation between the gills and the body. The blood travels from the heart to the gills, and then directly to the body before returning to the atrium through the sinus venosus to be circulated again.
To answer your question, yes, birds do have a four chambered heart. Did you know that a house sparrows heart beats at 460 beats per minute when sitting down?
A bird's heart is much like yours - a four chambered muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. A bird's heart weighs up to twice as much as that of a mammal of equal size because flying is strenuous. Energy-hungry muscles need a bigger, faster beating heart to send them plenty of oxygen and nutrients.
I chose the reptile. One can say that the reptile heart has three chambers, two atria and one, partially divided, ventricle. Or one may argue that reptiles have four-chambered hearts with two atria and two ventricles, but the wall between the ventricles is incomplete. In fact, both of these interpretations are correct.
Nicholas Taylor
I picked a birds heart it has four chambers and the left side pumpes blood into the body and the right side recives blood.
The animal I chose is a mouse. A mouse heart is very much like a human heart. It has four chambers and pumps blood through the body by pushing it though the arteries.
The fish heart has 2 chambers. Those two chambers are an atrium and a ventricle. The atrium pumps the blood into the ventricle. Then it gets pumped into the conus, which is an elastic compartment which doesn't pump, but can squeeze and stretch. Finally, from the conus the blood goes to the gills where it is enriched with oxygen.
Nick P. here!
I chose a frog. The frog has two atriums (left and right) and one ventricle. The frog pumps both oxygen rich and oxygen poor blood into its one ventricle. It seperates the two types of blood with a specialized ridge of tissue.
I said a bird. It has 4 chambers. I also found out a birds heart is very similar to a humans.
hey Mrs. Rodriguez
i chose a fish because i happen to have 11 fish. the fish is the simplest of vertebrae hearts and it is made of 2 chambers. the blood flows to the atrium which pumps it to the ventricle to the conus (an elastic compartment that does not pump but stretches and squeezes). after the blood travels through the conus it goes to the gills. then it starts all over again.
i got the info from
from alyssa
The frog heart has 3 chambers: 2 atria and 1 ventricle. The atrium gets deoxygenated blood from the veins. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs plus skin.
Frogs have 3 chambers. The atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the blood vessels that darin the varicun orsans of the body.
Hello Mrs.R.
the fish has 2 chambers. the atrium pumps blood into the ventricle. it contracts and blood flows into the conus. then blood goes into the gills and gets oxygen then flows back to the aorta.
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez. I chose a reptile. There are 3 chambers in a reptiles heart - two auricles and one ventricle. Blood is pumped from the heart to the rest of the reptile's body through arteries.
The frog heart has 3 chambers: two atria and a single ventricle.
The fish has
And gills
So the fish have A little bit of what our heart has but not everything we have.
A tiger has four chambers of the heart. Tigers have a 2 loop circulatory system, and they use their lungs to breathe.
The fish heart has 3 chambers 2 atrium and 1 ventricle. The right atrium recieves deoxygenated blood from various organs in the body. The left atrium recives oxygenated blood from the gills. Both of the atrium empty into the one ventricle.
Reptiles have only a three chambered heart 2 atias and one ventricle, fish hearts only have 2 chambers one thin atrium and one muscular ventricle, and the bird has 4 like humans but circulate differently.
Jasmine Jette 7-3
There is three heart chambers in a frog and the pumping chambers are the two atria and the one ventricle
I found out that reptiles have 3 chambers in their heart except for crocodiles who have 4 chambers like mammals.
Daniel McGuinness
I picked a fish.Fish hearts have to main chambers.
In a frog there are 3 chambers in the frogs heart.
I decided to chose a bird. I researched and found out that there are 4 heart chambers in a bird and the pumping chambers are the two atrium's and the two ventricles.
A bird has 4 chambers. 1 chamber is the left atrium. Another chamber is the left ventricle. The next chamber is the right ventricle. Lastly, is the right atrium. As these chambers show, a birds heart is very much like a humans heart.
a amphibian has 3 chambers in their heart it has 2 atria and 1 ventricle
hello, mrs. rodriguez! this is ashtin i found out about the fish. The fish has two chambers! Well see you soon!! byee
I picked a crocodile. There are two ways you can describe the crocodile’s heart. First of all, you can say the crocodile has three chambers; 2 atria and 1, partially divided, ventricle. You can also say that the crocodile’s heart has four chambers; 2 atria and 2 ventricles, and the wall between the ventricles is incomplete. They are both correct. The right ventricle pumps blood into two separate vessels; the pulmonary artery and the right systemic artery. This allows the crocodile to effectively switch between normal and low oxygen conditions by closing the pulmonary circulation.
The fish has two chambers in the heart. Blood is pumped from the ventricle through the conus arteriosus to the gills.
the amphibian has two atrias, but one vetricle. there are two pulmonary arteries around one aorta that the conus punps the blood.
There is three heart chambers in a frog and the pumping chambers are the two atria and the one ventricle
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