For those of you who have read the Twilight Series, or are reading it, you know that blood plays a focal point of the plot. For those of you who haven't read and/or don't want to, its about vampires. Vampires use blood as their food source to survive. While vampires are a creation of fiction, sometimes fact is even stranger. There are a variety of animals that feed on other animals' blood. Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, leeches, bed bugs, and vampire bats are just a few. There's even a vampire finch that drinks the blood of other birds.
Do some research of your own about one of these animals or another type of sanguivore (blood eaters.) Write a short paragraph (5-6 sentences) about what you learned about them. Please no paragraphs on human vampires!
The vampire finch feeds on blood from the blue-footed booby. It pecks the skin until blood is drawn. It has been theorized that by pecking the booby, it gets rid of parasites. They also feed on bird eggs. They only eat it right after it is laid.
Drinking blood isn't as traumatic to the body as drinking bleach, however. Believe it or not, some tribes in Africa still regularly drink animal blood (sometimes mixed with cow's milk). This makes sense when you consider that there is a lot of water in blood, as well as protein, iron, and other nutrients.
hi Mrs. R,
I am learing about bats. Ifound out that people use to think that bats were birds without animals but their is no such bird without feathers. Bats are mammals like humans. I also found out bats are warm blooded, have fur, and nurse their babies with milk. I also figured out bates have two thin layers of skin. This is what i have found about bats. Talk to you soon. Oh! also i have read the Twilight series.
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez!
Well, I decided to research Vampire Finches. The Vampire finches were filmes by the Parer's in their 1995 expedition to the Gallapogos Archipellago. They are found on Wolf island, the farthest from the Americas and the driest island in the chain. They usually eat the native seabirds eggs. They only suck blood when there's and extended drout. But they don't actually cause harm to their"prey," they just annoy it.
Erik Rogers
Hi I chose Ticks. Evan though I dont like them!
I learned that ticks are not insects, they are acually arachnids.(Isnt that weird?) They attach very firmly when sucking blood. They feed slowly and may become unoticed for a while. They take several days to complete there feeding. Ticks have four stages of life, egg, six-legged larva, eight-legged nymph and adult. Ticks can only crawl, they cannot jump or fly. They can be found in the winter.There are two groups of ticks, called the “hard” ticks and “soft” ticks. Although at least 15 species of ticks. There is a lot more about ticks but I dont want to write a book. Bye!!!!!!
The leech does not "feed" a lot, but takes a whole lot when it does. Doctors used leeches to draw blood and they were used in surgery. Scientists are developing some useful things with leech saliva. They may be useful for treating cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks or strokes.
(P.S. Vampires are not just a myth. The last known vampire in New England was a woman named Mercy L. Brown. People today still practice vampirism. http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/vampirism.htm )
A bed bug is a kind of parasite that preferably sucks on humans. If they can't find a human, the feed on other kinds of warm blooded animals. They hide in daylight, and bite at night. The bite itself isn't painful at all, you can barely feel it. A bump comes up and can itch for days. You can prevent them by frequently vacuuming your mattress.
Leeches have suckers on each end so that they can suck out your blood! They feed on the blood and tissues of other animals. They do not feed often, because they take a lot of blood at a time. They range from half an inch to ten inches long. they are being used to draw blood!
They sound cool, don't they!
Bed bugs are wingless insects that feed on the blood of warm blooded animals. Live in nests to wait for host and sucks their blood. They might end up in your bed by hiding in furniture, luggage, clothing, and pillows. That is how they get into your bed and wait for you to get back to suck your blood. That is how they get their name.
I did my paragraph on bedbugs. The bedbugs hate sunlight, so they are active mostly only at night. Bedbugs came to the United States with colonists from England. Most bedbugs live in buildings with lots of people in them such as hotels because they are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide. When a bedbug is hungry, it will find a host, a person to suck blood out of, and suck the blood out of a tube in their mouth. It will feed for about 5 minutes and then go hide. Bedbugs can live for up to 18 months without eating, but they mostly eat blood every 5 to 10 days. Plus, they look really creepy!
I chose leeches.they drink human blood because, well it sometimes helps in getting bacteria out of our skin. All though you think there're bad, there're actually are not. they are just little suckers that use the food and nutrients in you blood as their source of food.
Nicholas Taylor
I chose to research the leech. Sanguivorous leeches attach to their host's skin by an oral sucker formed by the first six segments of their body. Once this sucker has been attached, it releases an anesthetic that numbs the bite and prevents the host from noticing the leech's attachment. A mixture of mucus and the suction created by the oral sucker to remain clinging to the flesh. After the leech has been secured, they release an enzyme into the host's blood stream that prevents clotting. In ancient times, when people still believed that illness was caused by "bad blood", leeches were frequently used to purposefully remove blood from ailing patients. This process is seldom used today, aside from a few special conditions.
Dear Mrs. R,
leeches can grow in a range of 1/2 an inch to 10 inches. they are usually a brown or black color and consume blood or tissue. they don't feed often because when they eat they drink alot of blood at a time. they use proboscis to cut the skin or 3 jaws of millions of tiny teeth. leeches detect us by oil, blood, heat, and the carbon dioxide we breathe out.
I picked a bat. The bat's wings are made of two layers of skin. The skin is stretched over the bat's arm and fingers. A vampire bat only drinks an ounce of blood each night. They usually drink on cows, horses, and other large mammals. They rarely bite humans and rarely kill their prey.
I learned about this one bird that swallowed chickens. It then would regurgitate them and suck the blood out of them. When the bird regurgitated the chickens the chicken came out featherless and bloodless. One brave person finaly captured the bird and then the police came and put it in a cage. This bird resembled a booby bird but the tail feathers were different.
The vampire finches usually eat seeds. But when the seeds are all gone and theer is a drought, the finches resort to blood of seabirds. It uses its razor sharp beak topeck aat the brds tail untill blood oozes out. And every few seconds, it sips up the blood. Also, when a fich is sucking blood, other finches form a line so that when the first one is done eating, the next one can have it's full. It's lucky for us that we're not birds, or else finches might be pecking at us.
masquito this bites into your blood stream. when it does this its saliva may enter your blood stream and give you virisus like wes nike and malaria
Mosquitoes carry deadly diseases from drinking other peoples blood. they lay their eggs in low lying areas and when a fllod happens the eggs hatch. This is the time when lots of mosquitoes at one time. A new kind of mosquito entered the untited states in 1985. The
Asian Tiger they have arrived in old tires.
Vampire bats are 3 species out of about 1000 from the bat family. They mostly live in South America and feed on the blood of farm animals. A vampire bat does not suck blood. They usually walk up to the animal while they are asleep. They then use their sharp teeth to puncture the skin and then lick up the blood.
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez, I researched the moquito.
There are about 3,500 species. They have a pair of scaled wings, a pair of halteres, a slender body, and six long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood from other animals, which has made them the deadliest disease vector known, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of toxic diseases.
have you wondered about bed bugs? well i sure have. bed bugs have originated from micilaneous cave living creatures. they have thought to have moved to the human species when humans started to live and hang out in caves. oh yah there are only 3 serious nuesences in the bed bug species to bother humans. i also learned about lice because i was not sure if they fed on blood but thought i should check it out. lice occupied gorilla hair originally but switched to humans for two idealistic reasons.1 sexual contact between gorillas and the early human cave men 2 humans sharing space with gorillas there.
from alyssa
in this paragragh i lerned about bed bugs i never new they sucked blood.
Vampire bats don't really suck blood, they just lap it up when their victim begins to bleed. There is a substance in the bat's saliva that prevents blood clotting. The bats actually can listen for the breathing of sleeping mammals to find prey. Also, the incisors of a vampire bat lacks enamel, thus the teeth are always razor sharp. The bats have a digestive system that is suited to the liquid diet.
i chose to look up bed bugs. they are small incects that do not have wings.Baby bed bugs are as small as a poppy seed.these bed bugs can only go a few months with out eating so if the do not bite you they will die with in months. if you were to find bed bugs the best thing to do is not to panic. bed bugs can enter your house through an outlet. they find the most juicest place on your body release something that makes it so that you do not wake up. then they suck your blood and you dont suspect a thing.
Kailey W.
Hi Mrs. Rodriguez. I am going to report on vampire bats. Vampire bats are blood drinking bats from the family Desmodontidae. They feed on the blood of living animals and are the only parasites of mammals. Vampire bats are about 3 inches long. They are quite small. They have round bodies with large pointed ears. They can walk on all four of their feet when most other bats can't. They live in caves, trees and sometimes houses.
the vampire bat has a wingspan of about eight inches and a body about the size of an adult's thumb.if it wasnt for there diet people wouldnt be much intrested in them. They feed on blood of large birds,cattle, horses, and pigs. But they do not suck there vitctums blood. They use there sharp teeth to cut into there victum.
jaime s.
Hi Mrs. R,
I researched leeches. I learned about the value in medicine of leeches. Leeches were used mor often in history than needed. Lately they are only needed for plastic and reconstructive surgery. This is because their bite has special substances that help blood circulate, prevents gangreen, and the anaesthetic makes all this painless. An example of medical use is in 1985, when doctors usded leeches when preforming surgey on a boy whose ear had been bitten off. Leeches also, help black eyes.
P.S. Leeches can feed off of other leeches.
Your Student,
Vampire bats feed on fresh blood.They have no tails and are only about 3 in. long!Vampire bats do not kill there prey, thay attach when the prey is sleeping. Most don't even know they have been bittenb;being 3in. long, they dont need much blood. The real danger is disease.If a vampire bat bits a diseased animal, it will spread that disease to the next prey. Sometimes the bat may even get sick!
Mosquitoes are insects that have been around for 30 million years. Mosquitoes have many sensors, including chemical, visual, and heat sensors. Chemical sensors can sense carbon dioxide from 100 ft away. Visual sensors are used for things like if your wearing bright clothing, they can see you better. Heat sensors can detect heat, so they can find warm blooded mammals.
Vampire bats have a wingspan of about eight inches and a body about the size of an adult's thumb. They suck blood from birds, cattle, horses, and pigs. Actually, they don't suck the blood they use their sharp teeth to cut the skin of a sleeping animal and then they lap up the oozing blood. The bats saliva contains a chemical that keeps the blood from clotting. Another chemical in their saliva numbs the animal's skin and keeps them from waking up.
The animal that I had researched is the vampire bat. They are the only mammal that entirely feasts on blood. They live in roofs or caves and are usually in a group. The groups can normally span up to 100 other bats or even 1000 bats sometimes. The usually suck the blood out of cows and horses. They usually suck their blood for about thirty minuets. They don't harm the animal by how much blood they suck its just the bite that can leave diseases or infections.
Vampire finch
The vampire finch comes from the Galápagos Islands. The males are black and the females are gry with brown streaks. This bird feeds by drinking the blood of other birds. They mostly feed on the Nazca and Blue-footed Boobies. The finches also feed on eggs, stealing them just after they are laid. They roll them in the rocks with their legs until they break.
The animal I researched is a type of fish. Its called the sea lamprey. The sea lamprey is believed to act like a normal fish. The only difference is that it sucks blood of other fish. It attaches itself to a fish using rows of sharp teeth. The sea lamprey can attach itself to any fish for as much as 2 weeks.
The Vampire Finch is native to the Galapagos Islands. There are 13 different species. The Vampire Finch feeds on the blood of other birds. It primarily feeds on the blood of Masked Boobies. In order to feed they will peck the skin of the Booby with their very sharp beaks until they draw blood. It is theorized that this behavior evolved from the pecking behavior used to eat parasites that live within the plumage.
Hi Mrs. R.,
Today I learned about the leech. It is a very fascinating animal. Leeches have the ability to penetrate a host's tissue and suck blood. They are carnivorous and equipped with a relatively large, toothless, mouth to ingest worms or insect larvae, which are swallowed whole. The incision mark left on the skin by the European medical leech is an inverted Y inside a circle. Long ago, people thought that bacteria in the gut carried on digestion for the leech instead of endogenous enzymes. This is what I learned about the leech.
The Vampire Finch is a small bird that is native to the Galapagos Islands. The vampire finch is a member of a large group of finches known as Ground finches. The vampire finch is also a highly endangered in the wild. The Vampire Finch primarily feeds on the blood of Masked Boobies and Red Footed Boobies. They also have sharp beaks so that they can pierce the skin of the birds, than drink from their blood. Vampire Finch also feed on the eggs of birds too. They may roll the eggs until they fall or crack to get them open.
Mosquitoes can smell your scent from about 100 meters away. Female mosquitoes feed on nectar from flowers and on blood. Female mosquitoes feed on blood so that they can develop and lay eggs. Male mosquitoes usually only feed on nectar from flowers, they don’t feed on blood because they do not lay eggs.
hi this is ashtin and i chose bed bugs. bed bugs are small wingless creatures. They only feed on warm-blooded creatures. Also, hatching bed bugs are the size of a poppy seed. adults are about a 1/4 of an inch long. Their color changes from a nearly white or a light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange. well thats it for now! talk to you soon! Bye :)
A flea lives up to a few weeks to months. The cycle of a flea starts as an egg then goes to a larval, pupal and thn an adult. I also learned that a flea likes undigested blood. These are very interesting facts that I have learned about fleas.
Adele H. =]
Bats are mammals. By emitting high-pitched sounds and listening to the echoes, also known as sonar, micro bats locate prey and other nearby objects. they have poor eye sights. their wings are much thinner, which allows them to glide around a lot faster. they are mostly only seen at night.
Head lice are sanguivores. They are wingless insects that thrive on people's heads and feed off of their blood. They can live on an extremely small amount of blood from the scalp. An adult lice is called a louse and is the size of a semsame seed.
Most leeches do not feed on human blood. Leeches feed on small invertebrates which they eat whole. There are more leeches during the summer. They are mostly found in lakes or ponds.
Leeches would rather feed off fish, reptiles and mammals, than humans. If there are no other hosts around, then a human will do. Leeches can be found in lakes and ponds. They like to stay in the shallow areas where other animals won't eat them. There are more leeches during the summer time.
Bedbugs feed on human blood. Adult bedbugs are reddish-down. They are about the size of an apple seed. They are most active before sunset.
The vampire finch feeds on blood from the blue-footed booby. It pecks the skin until blood is drawn. It has been theorized that by pecking the booby, it gets rid of parasites. They also feed on bird eggs. They only eat it right after it is laid.
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