You've just learned how the kidneys filter blood in the microscopic units called nephron. Wastes such as urea form urine which travels from the kidneys to the urinary bladder by way of the ureters. From the bladder, urine travels through the urethra out of the body. Do other animals produce urine in the same way?
Choose any animal and research how that animal filters wastes out of its body. Do they have kidneys or another organ that does the same job?
The animal that I chose is a cow. They have an excretory system just like ours. It uses the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and the urethra to enable them to expel waste fluids in the form of urine. Cows also have two kidneys, just like humans.
Manatees have kidneys. Their kidneys not only filter waste, but they also filter salt out of water. Since manatees are mammals, they can't drink lots of salt water even though they sometimes live in it. So this keeps manatees healthy.
Hi, Mrs. Rodigurez! A bird's excretory system is similar to a human's, with blood entering the two kindeys through arteries, where it is filtered to produce urine. This urine proceeds through the ureters, though, as birds do not have bladders, is not stored and consequentially comes out quickly and suddenly.
Hi Mrs. R,
I learned about the fish's excretion system. Some aquatic organisms have no vital excretory organs. The waste is removed by diffusion! It also exits the gills.
In some fish cells, there is a specialized organelle called the parmecium. The parmecium specializes in excretion by expelling excess water and some nitrogenous waste.
P.S.-Thanks for using my blog!
cats have the same Excretory System
as we do. They kindneys that filter out wastes from the blood. The waste is released as urine.
since this was a hard blog, you told me I didn't have to be specific. I found out that all animals do not have kidneys. Insects don't, but I --->THINK<--- all other animals do. I know that a chicken does!
cats urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. The kidneys clean out the blood and wastes leave the kidneys through the ureter to the bladder and released as urine.
I chose dogs. I know that there waste removel system is pretty close to us humnans, but just shaped differently
from, Nicholas Taylor
Hey Mrs. Rodriguez!
For this week, I decided to research Deer. I learned that over a 24-hour period, a deer produces an average amount of 20 to 24 ounces of urine. The scary thing is that if deer urine makes contact with the skin, you could become ill and may die.
Erik Rogers
Cats basically remove waste the same way as humans. They produce urine in their kidneys. The urine leaves the body through the cats urethra.
have you heard of an animal called the aspidogastreans before? me neither! their excretory system is diffeent though.
first the "flame cells" are used as a mechanisum for this process.there are 2 bladders located dorsally, what does dorsally mean?then on 1 side on the posterier sucker it is connecxted to ducts and threee bulbs from the flame cells. inside the bulbs is cilia.
well thats the pee process
i got the info from
and no i did not copy
from alyssa
The animal I chose was a cat. The cat has two kidneys. The kidneys help control a cat's blood pressure. They also control the fluid in a cat's blood stream. The most important thing the kidneys do in a cat is that they remove the waste from the cat's blood.
I found out that a dogs urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
(: ^-^
Dear Mrs. Rodregues,
Cats only one thing diffrent than us. That thing is that cats have two sphincter muscles when we only have one
Chris Dwelley
hey Mrs R. I answered mine about cats. In the cats body the kidneys filters their blood and control water in the body and it pruduces urine as a waste pruducts. wothout proper kidney function poison buildup in the cats body will rapidly kill it.
Jaime S.
a dog has kidneys and they funcktion the same way humans kidneys do.first the blood is filterd and sent back to the heart then the waste that is urine is brought into the ureters then is stored in the bladder.
the excretory system in dogs are the same as humans.
A dogs excretory system is just like a humans. They have kidneys, ureters, and bladders. There kidneys also do the same thing that humans do.
Dear Mrs. R,
Nick P. here.
The animal I chose was the whale. The whale has two kindeys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. Whale urine is very salty because they have to have a low salt level in their body, so they have to empty lots of salt if it gets into them. They do this when they produce the urine in the kidney. The whale does have kidneys that filter their waste.
Yo Mrs.R hey yes, a lizard has the same uranary system.
The kidneys are the organs in the body that filter out toxic and other waste materials from the bloodstream. Blood passes from the aorta into the kidney where it is filtered and returned back into the blood stream. The waste are then passed with fluid into the ureters which lead down to the bladder. Urine leaves the bladder via the urethra to the exterior. Pigs are the same as humans.
i found out abbout the dolphin Dolphins exerate 4 to 5times as humans do it said that dolphins eat 4 times there body weight each day dolphins have fast digestion and swift removal of waste.
Danielle e
Ape make urine the same way humans do. Because we are the closets to apes in the evolution train we have some of the same characteristics of them.
Dear Mrs. R.
it is true that other animals produce urine in the same way that we humans do. Horses produce urine using their liver just as we do.
Hi Mrs. R,
I researched dolphin's excretory system. Dolphins have kidneys however, the way the work is much different. Dolphins have salt and urine excretory. The dolphin's kidney have renules that are like minature kidneys that remove addititonal salt. This salt removal is vital to a dolphins excretory process.
Vanessa 7-2
Tigers excrete urea as their waste and their excretory system is made up of two kidneys!
Dogs basically have the same excretory system as us. They 2 have kidneys, ureters, a bladder,and a urtehra. Surprisingly, not much information came up about dogs, but i thouhgt it was interesting they have the same excretory system as us.
Sea monkeys do have kindeys. They digest food the same way we do. But there kidneys are located in their heads.
From jason b
Dogs do indeed have kidneys like us, humans,and there system is basically the same as ours.Their process is...
Wastes from the dg’s body are filtered from the blood by the kidneys. After those wastes pass through the ureters into the bladder which is then stored until they get disposed. The dogs wastes then pass out of the body through the urethra.
I did my research on dogs. They do have the same excretory system as humans. Just like humans, blood is filtered in the kidneys producing urine, which goes through the ureters into the bladder. Once in the bladder it waits until the body disposes of the urine and it goes out through the urethra when the body is ready. This is how the excretory system works in a dog.
Worms have a long tube called the nephrdilia that works with the circulatory system. A nephridium has a ciliated funnel, coiled tubule, enlarged bladder, and a pore. Then tissue fluid goes threw the coiled tubule. The waste from the capillarys go into the coiled tubule threw the walls. Some water is absorbed back into the earthworms blood.A bladder at the end of the nephridium stores the collected wastes. Finally the bladder shoots the the nitrogenous wastes through the pore to the outside.
- The worm does not have the same excretory system as us.
Fish have kidneys. They relaese their waste as ammonia through their gills into the water.
dear mrs. rodrequez,
i looked up the sea lion. i found out that they have the same organs as us for the use of the excretory system. they go through the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and then the urethra. their kidneys are not just 2 bean shaped structures. they are clusters of smaller, independent, kidney units. they system goes just like the humans.
Hi Mrs. R, I am going to tell you how dogs filter urine out of their body. The dog's urinary system is similar to other mammals urinary systems. The main parts of the urinary system are the kidneys, the bladder , and the urethra which is a canal that carries the urine from the bladder.
a rabbit filters waste by sorting what needs to be kept from the food and what nutrients go where in the body then when the sorting is over the body has to let the things it doesn't need it gets rid of it.
monkeys excrete wastes just like us. they have kidneys that do the same job as ours. waste goes into the kidney and gets filtered and goes out the ureter.
A turtle has a pretty simple waste process. They have a kidney, bladder,and cloaca. The kidney filters the blood. The waste is sent as urine to the bladder. The bladder stores the urine. The urine travels to the cloaca, which is where it leaves the body. Sea turtles have a salt gland to help the kidney process the extra salt in the sea water. Also in sea turtles, the cloaca helps to take in nutrients and oxygen when their bodies need it.
Kailey M Wilson
Salmon use the same method as we do to produce waste. The blood flows into the kidneys which from there water and waste from blood is eliminated and goes through the ureter into bladder which is eliminated from the body.
Like humans, fish have kidneys that do the same job.
The dogs have kidneys just like us and also all the same exact other parts.
The cat urinary system is controlled by the central nervous system, making it possible to control the act of urination. A cat's urinary system is made up of a well organized combination of organs and tubes. This would include the kidneys and ureters, the bladder and lastly the urethra. The cats waste removal system consists of this.
hi mrs r its ashtin! i hope you have had a great vacation! i know i have! :) ok so for the blog comment i picked is fishes. the excretory system is comprised of two parts, the upper tract and the lower tract. the main funtions of this system is to control the amount of water in the body. well talk to you soon...byeee
Fish have kidneys to filter waste. The kidneys look like a dark line that goes down their spinal cord.
The kidneys are on either side of the spine directly below the lumbar vertebrae. Their action is to get urine from the blood by the process of filtering. The ureter then carries the urine to the bladder which is a storage place. Then, by contraction, the urine is discharged.
yes other animals produce urine the same way is a horse that is why you don't sit on there back of their back.
Hey Mrs. R,
I found out the chickens pee and poop at the same time in the same material and I found this article of how it works at- it is down below-----In the fowl, the urine is discharged into the cloaca and excreted along with the feces. No liquid urine is voided. The white, pasty material appearing in the droppings of the birds is largely uric acid, whereas the nitrogen in the urine of mammals is mainly in the form of urea.
Riley M.
Fish have kidneys. They release their waste as ammonia through their gills into the water.
Cows use kidneys, bladder, ureters, and the urethra to urinate. They are like us between having 2 kidneys like us and peeing like us...cows excetory systems are very similar to humans.
the excretory system in cats are the same as humans. but i was told that they are differnernt color like a darkish redish brown
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